What made the Apostle Paul such an outstanding figure? Is it possible to be like that today?
Saul of Tarsus
Saul of Tarsus
- How popular is the name Saul today? Why would some people still name people Saul?
- How important was Tarsus? Why would someone be labelled of Tarsus?
- Did being a pharisee help or hurt in Paul's ministry?
Paul the Man
- What is the difference between personality and character? Which is one born with and which is developed? How does one become zealous for something like Paul?
- Was Paul a proud or humble person?
From Saul to Paul
- Why do you think God chose to strike Saul blind rather than making him lame so he could not pursue the Christians?
- How easy is it to change one's mind and attitude on a subject on which we are so sure?
- Can one who is born in the truth be as effective as another who was converted to it, in witnessing to people?
Paul in the Mission Field
- When Paul said that he had from Jerusalem to Illirycum "fully preached," what could he have meant by that? What is involved in "fully preaching?"
- How much of the gospel must be imparted before a person may be baptised?
- Did Jesus commission us to evangelise or to make disciples? Is there a difference?
Mission and Multiculturalism
- Is Christianity a western or eastern religion?
- Are there aspects of Western culture in Adventism in India? If there are, should these be identified and eliminated?
- How much of Indian culture can be incorporated into Adventism to make it more appealing to locals?