A Solitary Life
- Is it better for a pastor not to have children, or to not even marry, so that he/she can concentrate more on the ministry?
- Is it possible for a pastor to do his/her work properly and still devote adequate time for the spouse and family?
- Has humanity fulfilled the command to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth? Should we now make efforts to reduce the population?
Jeremiah's Yoke
- To what extent does God expect people to support governments when they are corrupt? To what extent does God expect church members to support church administrators when they are corrupt?
- Could Jeremiah have presented the message of of the Babylonian conquest and captivity in such a way that he would not have seemed disloyal to the nation?
- Was it practical for Jeremiah to actually act out all the signs he describes or could he have just used them as parables?
War of the Prophets
- Can we distinguish between a true and a false prophet without having to wait for the prophecy comes to pass?
- Will God hold us responsible for believing a false prophet if we do so innocently?
- Why are prophecies mostly bad news and condemnatory?
The Yoke of Iron
- Why did Hananiah preface his prophecy with "Thus saith the Lord?" Do false prophets believe their messages are from God?
- Is it possible to stop a genuine prophecy from being fulfilled?
- Does the Bible (see Exodus 22:28 and Acts 23:5) teach that it is wrong to speak ill of a church leader?
Trusting in Lies
- Why would God have wanted for Hananiah the false prophet to die within the year? Wouldn't failure of his prophecy to be fulfilled within the two years he prophecied be adequate self-condemnation?
- Does the damage done by a false prophet end with his or her death?
- Which is more serious, to believe a false prophet or to doubt a genuine one?