What is the greatest determinator that decides whether a child will grow up good or bad?
The Reigns of Manasseh and Ammon
The Reigns of Manasseh and Ammon
- Can one excuse their poor behaviour on evil parents, and bad environment?
- When an evil person repents and reforms how much is he or she still responsible for others who were led astray?
- Why must a reformed person still suffer the consequences of earlier misdeeds? Can those not be forgiven and forgotten?
- Was the experiment of having kings a total failure for Israel and Judah? Could God have changed the system of governance again?
- Do children of leaders make better leaders than others?
- Are young people less corrupt than older ones?
- How can we account for sons of bad kings turning out to be good kings?
Josiah on the Throne
- Why do you think the names of the mothers of kings have been recorded in the Bible? How much influence did a mother have over the training of a prince?
- How important is it to keep a church in good repair? On a scale of 1 - 10 how would you score (a) the condition of Adventist churches, and (b) the condition of your home church?
- Is it okay to spend fabulous sums of money on renovation of a church when the same money could be used for evangelism and provision of churches for people who have no place to worship?
- What can a pastor do to get the members to assist with the maintenance of a church?
The Book of the Law
- How long does it take to lose a Bible, to forget where it is?
- What is the proper way to dispose of a Bible that is no longer needed because it has become old and we have acquired a new one?
- Do we show / Should we show the same reverence for an electronic Bible as we do for the printed one?
Josiah's Reforms
- What is the worth of reforming when disaster cannot be averted?
- Why were there festivals in the Old Testament system? Should we have regular festivals in the Adventist church to maintain the spirit?
- What is the proper attitude during communion service--funereal or celebratory?