
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Lesson 10 (Nov 28-Dec 4), The Destruction of Jerusalem

Weeping For Tamuz

  1. What do you think is the purpose for God to call two prophets (Jeremiah and Ezekiel) at the same time? Why should God show Ezekiel in Babylon what was happening in the temple in Jerusalem when Jeremiah was right there?
  2. How correct were the elders of Israel in stating that the Lord had abandoned their nation?
  3. What effect on spirituality of Israel would you expect among the Israelites after the Babylonian army attacked them and carried off the cream of the nation?
  4. Is it okay to adapt pagan festivals for use by Christians if we completely discard the pagan aspects?
The Unhappy Reign of King Zedekiah
  1. How would you expect a king or any leader to react when told that he would be the last leader--that the nation or organization would collapse and cease to exist with the end of his tenure?
  2. What reaction from the king and/or the people would you expect to the directive "surrender to the enemy" who was lurking outside?
  3. Why are those who are from minorities more sensitive to those who are being persecuted? Was it not risky to employ a Cushite as an official in the Israelite palace?
The Fall of Jerusalem
  1. Why do you think the enemy was willing to lay siege for two years outside Jerusalem when the rest of the nation had collapsed?
  2. Why was the Babylonian commander kind to Jeremiah? How much did they know about God's purposes?
  3. How safe was it to live in Israel after the Babylonians left? Why do you think so many Israelites moved back to their homeland? Why do people of one country migrate to another? What brings them back home? What prevents others from returning?
All Your Heart
  1. Is it possible to seek God with "all your heart?
  2. Was it better to be in Israel or in Babylon after the conquest?
  3. Why did God instruct the Israelites to marry, build houses, and settle down in Babylon? Could they not get too comfortable there?
The Seventy Years
  1. Why do you think God kept Israelites in captivity for seventy years? During the Exodus why did the Israelites have to wander in the wilderness for forty years? Wouldn't punishment be fresher in the mind if the time gap was not so much?
  2. Is there any significance in Biblical numbers? 
  3. How can we tell which is the real fulfillment of a prophecy?
  4. Is prophecy being fulfilled today?