- Why did the Israelites keep lapsing into sin when they could witness the suffering, the punishment, the pain of of defeat at the hand of the enemy each time they lapsed?
- What made the Israelites better than their neighbours that God persisted with them?
- Was it okay for Jael to kill Sisera in his sleep after showing him great hospitality?
- Will God answer prayers for signs today as he did for Gideon?
- If the Lord does not grant us a sign are we to understand that God is not interested in communicating with us?
- Why does God invite humans to participate in great victories (by doing small things with trumpets, jars and torches) when He can smash the enemy without their help?
- Why did God select Samson when He knew how great was his moral weakness?
- How can we account for Samson's stupid trust in Delilah when she revealed her treachery so many times?
- Why is Samson included in the hall of fame in Hebrews 11?
- Had Samson's parents failed to rear him properly?
- Why do you think that the Moabites allowed an Israelite family to settle in their land when the nations had fought so many wars?
- Why is it that women find it difficult to get along with their mothers-in-law? Whose fault is it?
- Why is it that today a dead man's brother or other relative is not responsible for the care of a widow?
- Was Eli to blame for his son's wicked behaviour? Was Samuel to blame for his sons' wickedness? Why are children of religious leaders often so naughty?
- Was the Israelite demand for a king any reflection on the success of Samuel as a judge?
- Do children of leaders make good leaders? What makes children of kings eligible to be kings ?