
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Monday, 27 June 2016

Lesson 1 (June 25-July 1) The "Restoration of All Things"

The Image of God
  1. If humans are in God's image, how far away are chimpanzees?
  2. Why did God make one human and then divide it into two instead of making male and female at the same time like he did for animals?
  3. Why would God desire to make humans in His image rather than something totally new?
The Fall and its Aftermath
  1. Could Satan argue that he didn't tell Eve any lies?
  2. On what grounds could Eve say that the serpent deceived her? 
  3. What did the serpent say that made the fruit desirable?
  4. What is the connection between sin and nakedness?
  5. What is common in the curses for the woman and the man? 
  6. Why did God select those particular areas that He did for their punishment?
Enmity and Atonement
  1. What did the snake do that a curse fell upon all innocent snakes?
  2. Did God intend to put enmity between biological snakes and humans or only between Satan and humanity?
  3. What kind of enmity is there between the devil and humans?
  4. Is it just for one person to take the penalty and punishment of another person?
Restoration in Jesus
  1. How much remains of the image of God in humans? How much does it vary from one to another?
  2. How much of the restoration of the image of God in humans did Jesus accomplish in his first advent?
  3. Are any aspects of the image of God in humanity lost forever or will we be fully restored?
The Restoring Role of the Church

  1. How much of the lost image can be regained on this earth before Jesus comes again?
  2. What can we do to help restore the lost image in others?
  3. Are we expected to assist others as a church or as individuals?

Monday, 20 June 2016

Lesson 13 (June 18-24), Crucified and Risen

Jesus or Barabbas

  1. How could the crowd be persuaded to choose Barabbas over Jesus? Why do so many people today not choose Jesus?
  2. Did Pilate's wife's dream have any effect on the Pilate's decision?
  3. Do you think that releasing Barabbas had any effect on his life after that?
  4. What did the washing of his hands accomplish for Pilate? Was he innocent or guilty of the death os Jesus?
  5. In the end who killed Jesus--Pilate, the soldiers, the crowd, or the priests? Can you and me who live today be responsible in any way?
Our Crucified Substitute
  1. What made Jesus feel forsaken by His Father?
  2. If one does not feel forsaken by God is that indication that there is no sin in the life?
  3. Was everything going according to the plan of Salvation? If so, why was Jesus troubled? If not, why not?
Torn Veil and Rent Rock
  1. What could be the purpose of God sending an earthquake at the moment of Jesus' death?
  2. If Jesus' death was to signify the end of the sacrificial system, why didn't God knock down the whole temple at that time? Wouldn't that have been more convincing?
  3. What kind of persons were the "holy people" who came forth from the dead at the time of Jesus death?
The Risen Christ
  1. Could the disciples have stolen and hid the body of Jesus as the priests alleged?
  2. Is it possible that Jesus did not really die and recovered from his wounds?
  3. Is it possible that grieving disciples hallucinated and thought they saw Jesus?
The Great Commission
  1. Why did Jesus entrust the spread of the gospel to undependable human beings when He could have used angels?
  2. What makes us think that the gospel commission which was given to the eleven disciples applies to all of us?
  3. Are all who teach and make disciples authorised to baptise? Why does the church decide who can baptise?

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Lesson 12 (June 11-17), Jesus' Last Days

A Beautiful Work

  1. Why do you think only John of the gospel writers mentions the name of the woman who poured expensive perfume on Jesus and the name of the disciple who grumbled? What is the effect of knowing the names as one reads the story?
  2. Why did Jesus label the anointing with expensive perfume a "beautiful work?" Can one do a beautiful work without going through great expense?
  3. Why was it better to use the perfume for Jesus than to give the equivalent money to the poor? Wouldn't Jesus have said "ye have done it unto me?"
The New Covenant
  1. Did Jesus choose to be crucified at the time of the Passover or was that a coincidence? Did it make any difference when He was crucified?
  2. Why is there no reference to a lamb at the last supper? Didn't the passover meal include a lamb? Would't that have been a nice time to draw the connection to Jesus?
  3. What is the connection of salvation from sin to the Exodus?
  4. How often should Christians celebrate Communion?
Judas Sells His Soul
  1. How can we prevent Satan entering us as he did to Judas? Is the thought to do something wrong indication that Satan has entered us?
  2. Why was it necessary for Judas to identify Jesus? Didn't the others who came to arrest Him not know him well?
  3. What causes one to betray a trusted friend? What is the best way to deal with a hurting conscience?
Peter's Denial
  1. How does Jesus' fore-knowledge of Judas's betrayal and Peter's denial not impinge on their free will?
  2. In the light that all the disciples abandoned Jesus why is Peter singled out for failure seeing that he had at least followed Jesus at a distance?
  3. What gave Peter such courage that he could draw a sword in Gethsemane and such fear that he denied knowing Jesus?

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Lesson 11 (June 4-10), Last Day Events

When is the starting of the "last days?"

Blind Guides

  1. Who appointed Pharisees and Saducees and gave them authority? Why did Jesus tell the people to obey what they said even if they should not to do what they did?
  2. Do traditions in religion serve any good?
  3. Why did Jesus instruct the people not to call anyone on earth"father"or "teacher?" Do we need a special term such as "pastor" for ordained ministers?
Signs of the End
  1. Why didn't Jesus tell the disciples how many years would have to pass before the last days would begin? What are the benefits of signs if they come to one generation and Jesus comes in another?
  2. Since there are always famines and earthquakes how will we know which one is a sign of the last days?
  3. Is it worth living through the last days or would it be better to die before the time of trouble and be resurrected later?

The Demise of Jerusalem
  1. How was the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 a sign of the nearness of Jesus' second coming?
  2. Why should one pray that "flight" will not be on Sabbath or in winter? What disadvantage is there?
  3. How will Christians know when to flee to the mountains? What will be the sign for us in these last days?
The Second Coming of Jesus
  1. How will we know which is the real anti-Christ? Why do so many believe that he will come on Aug 30, 2016?
  2. Since Jesus did not come as expected can we expect the sun, moon to become dark and the stars to fall again?
  3. How is it possible for every eye to see Jesus when He comes again?
Keeping Watch
  1. What do people get out of setting dates for the second coming?
  2. Is it possible to be prepared for a thief?
  3. Can the second coming of Christ be delayed by humans or hastened or is the date fixed?
  4. How can Christians balance being prepared and preparing others with the duty to "occupy till He comes?"