The Image of God
- If humans are in God's image, how far away are chimpanzees?
- Why did God make one human and then divide it into two instead of making male and female at the same time like he did for animals?
- Why would God desire to make humans in His image rather than something totally new?
The Fall and its Aftermath
- Could Satan argue that he didn't tell Eve any lies?
- On what grounds could Eve say that the serpent deceived her?
- What did the serpent say that made the fruit desirable?
- What is the connection between sin and nakedness?
- What is common in the curses for the woman and the man?
- Why did God select those particular areas that He did for their punishment?
Enmity and Atonement
- What did the snake do that a curse fell upon all innocent snakes?
- Did God intend to put enmity between biological snakes and humans or only between Satan and humanity?
- What kind of enmity is there between the devil and humans?
- Is it just for one person to take the penalty and punishment of another person?
Restoration in Jesus
- How much remains of the image of God in humans? How much does it vary from one to another?
- How much of the restoration of the image of God in humans did Jesus accomplish in his first advent?
- Are any aspects of the image of God in humanity lost forever or will we be fully restored?
The Restoring Role of the Church
- How much of the lost image can be regained on this earth before Jesus comes again?
- What can we do to help restore the lost image in others?
- Are we expected to assist others as a church or as individuals?