When is the starting of the "last days?"
Blind Guides
The Demise of Jerusalem
Blind Guides
- Who appointed Pharisees and Saducees and gave them authority? Why did Jesus tell the people to obey what they said even if they should not to do what they did?
- Do traditions in religion serve any good?
- Why did Jesus instruct the people not to call anyone on earth"father"or "teacher?" Do we need a special term such as "pastor" for ordained ministers?
Signs of the End
- Why didn't Jesus tell the disciples how many years would have to pass before the last days would begin? What are the benefits of signs if they come to one generation and Jesus comes in another?
- Since there are always famines and earthquakes how will we know which one is a sign of the last days?
- Is it worth living through the last days or would it be better to die before the time of trouble and be resurrected later?
The Demise of Jerusalem
- How was the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 a sign of the nearness of Jesus' second coming?
- Why should one pray that "flight" will not be on Sabbath or in winter? What disadvantage is there?
- How will Christians know when to flee to the mountains? What will be the sign for us in these last days?
The Second Coming of Jesus
- How will we know which is the real anti-Christ? Why do so many believe that he will come on Aug 30, 2016?
- Since Jesus did not come as expected can we expect the sun, moon to become dark and the stars to fall again?
- How is it possible for every eye to see Jesus when He comes again?
Keeping Watch
- What do people get out of setting dates for the second coming?
- Is it possible to be prepared for a thief?
- Can the second coming of Christ be delayed by humans or hastened or is the date fixed?
- How can Christians balance being prepared and preparing others with the duty to "occupy till He comes?"