The Nature of Cities
- What makes a place a city?
- Why did Paul begin work in the cities with Jews when it got him into trouble every time?
- Are we really reaching the cities when our work in them results in regional language churches that may not be the language of the state the city is in?
- What makes city people harder to reach with the gospel?
A Hurting Place
- Is it true that there is more suffering in the city? If so why do people keep moving there?
- Is the criticism against Mother Theresa justified that her motive was conversion?
- Should Adventists keep their churches open to the public everyday? What will it accomplish?
Sowing and Reaping in Cities
- Does the parable of the sower instruct us to not waste seeds on ground where the yield is less?
- Since our resources (human and financial) are limited, isn't it prudent to use them where results are highest? Aren't Adventists justified in avoiding evangelising cities where results are less in number than in the rural areas?
- How can bad soil be worked so that it will yield better?
- Is witnessing enough or do we need to press people for a positive decision for Christ?
Make it Personal
- Why are people in cities more impersonal than in villages or small towns? Why are people in the US less friendly with neighbours than in India?
- Do divorcees have the same claim to our attention and care as widows? What does the silence of the Bible on this say to us?
- If Bible authors were writing today would they include children from broken homes as deserving of equal attention as orphans? What other categories of people might they include as needing our personal care?
Reaching Out to the Cities
- Should Adventists live in the cities also or witness from outside?
- Can't we witness to people who live in cities more easily through TV and the internet? Do we have to contact each one personally?
- Are some excused from witnessing personally? Is praying for the cities and supporting the outreach through our offerings enough?