
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Lesson 5 (Oct 22-28), Curse the Day

Let the Day Perish
  1. Did Job to avoid breaking the fifth commandment by cursing the day he was born instead of cursing his parents?
  2. Is it wrong to despise the life given us? 
  3. What should one do if he or she has suicidal tendencies?
Rest in the Grave
  1. What makes a person prefer death to life?
  2. Why do believe so many people believe that the soul does not die?
  3. Does a person have a right to live or die?
Other Person's Pain
  1. Is it true that though a person suffers so much, he/she would rather have their own problems than someone else's?
  2. How can we best empathise with another person's suffering?
  3. Can we rank pain and suffering based on what Satan afflicted Job with?
The Weaver's Shuttle
  1. Why did God shorten the life span of humans compared to before the flood?
  2. Is it a sin to engage in bad habits that shorten life?
  3. Is it a sin to not exercise or not eat life-extending diets?
  4. How can we help a depressed person?
What is Man
  1. How valuable are humans to God?
  2. Does God rank his creatures--angels, humans, monkeys, dogs, etc, or are they all equal to him?
  3. What does God do about his creatures that suffer?

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Lesson 4 (Oct 15-21), God and Human

God in Nature

  1. Is there order in nature? Who was correct Job's friends who state "you reap what you sow?" or Job who asserts that even beasts, birds, and fish can testify that life is not fair? 
  2. Does nature reveal God correctly?
  3. How much control does Satan have over nature?
Nothing Came From Itself
  1. How dependent on pre-existing material was God during the creation week?
  2. Can the big bang theory and the Biblical account be harmonised?
The Earliest of Books
  1. Imagine God can finally inspire scripture because humans have finally developed an alphabet and there is a worthy person to inspire, what is the first things God would want to communicate to humans?
  2. What do humans most blame God for and what would be his response?
  3. Why would God convey a message through an experience rather than a sermon?
The Dilemma
  1. Do humans have a right to complain to God?
  2. Is God accountable to humans?
  3. What rights do humans have? Where do they get them from?
  1. Is God in control over the earth?
  2. Is life fair?
  3. How much can Satan interfere in my life?
  4. Does God protect his followers more than atheists?

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Lesson 3 (Oct 8-14), Does Job Fear God for Naught?

God's Servant Job
  1. What draws humans to serve God?
  2. What drives humans away from serving God?
  3. Why is life not fair?
Skin for Skin
  1. Did God have a right to claim victory after Job remained faithful despite losing all his wealth and children?
  2. Was Satan justified in insinuating that God could not claim that Job's worship and loyalty was without motives as long as God did not give him (Satan) a totally free hand in testing him?
  3. How much is a perfect body or good health worth? Is it true that a person will give up all wealth for health?
Blessed be the Name of the Lord
  1. What is the difference in Job's two responses: (1) God has given, God has taken," and (2) Shall we accept good from God and not evil?"
  2. What enabled Job to remain steadfast in his faith in God?
  3. In claiming that Job would "curse" God to his face, why would Satan actually use the word "bless" to mean curse? Why would Job bless the "name" of the Lord?
Job's Wife
  1. Why do you think Satan spared Job's wife and let her live?
  2. Can we draw any conclusions from the fact that Job's wife did not succumb to the losses of wealth and children and only when her husband's body was afflicted so badly? 
  3. Is there a difference in calling a person "fool," and "foolish?" Is there a difference in calling a person "foolish," and charging a person as "speaking as a fool?"
Obedience unto Death
  1. When the Bible says that Job did not sin with his lips, are we to read beyond that--that his faith might have wavered in his heart?
  2. Is it fatal to have some moments of doubt?
  3. Why didn't God use a person like Job in the Garden of Eden  instead of Adam?

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Lesson 2 (October 1-7), The Great Controversy

Have Adventists overused the term Great Controversy to the point that we don't think of what it really involves? Is there another term (besides "cosmic conflict") which can capture the full meaning?

A Little Heaven on Earth
  1. Do you think Satan had tried to catch Job during his good days? What are some of the things that lead a prosperous person away from God? Why do we associate a saint with austerity? 
  2. By using the adjectives "blameless" and "upright" for Job does the author intend for us to believe that Job had never sinned? 
  3. When does "temptation" become "sin in the heart" which Job was worried about and of which he sacrificed for his children.
  4. What made Job think that his sacrifices for his children would atone for their sin?  How effective are prayers of parents and pastors on behalf of others?
  5. How should I respond when young people text me and say, "pastor pray for me?"  How effective will my prayers be?
Cosmic Conflict
  1. Does Satan still have access to heaven?
  2. Why did God choose to reveal to the readers the debate in heaven between him and Satan?
  3. Why was the debate in heaven hidden from Job? Would it have been wrong for him to know who was responsible for his misfortunes?
  4. Why did God entertain the challenge of one of his creatures? Couldn't he have just dismissed him saying, "I know everything?"
The Conflict on Earth
  1. Why is Satan so intent on fighting with humans? What does he have against us?
  2. Is Satan responsible for all destructive storms, earthquakes?
  3. Is Satan responsible for all wars? Does he get anything out of two non-Christian groups fighting each other?
  4. Does God allow Satan's angels to roam the earth creating mischief as they like?
Job as a Microcosm
  1. How true is the statement: "To explain the origin of sin would be to excuse it"?
  2.  Why would a number of angels have joined Lucifer?
  3. How will life in the new earth be without a Satan? Is sin possible without a tempter?
Answers at the Cross
  1. How does a person who does not know about Jesus find solutions to the problem of the suffering of the righteous? Did Job know about the plan of salvation?
  2. Why does Satan disappear from the book after troubling Job?
  3. How has the cross changed things for Satan? How does he attack humans today?