God in Nature
- Is there order in nature? Who was correct Job's friends who state "you reap what you sow?" or Job who asserts that even beasts, birds, and fish can testify that life is not fair?
- Does nature reveal God correctly?
- How much control does Satan have over nature?
Nothing Came From Itself
- How dependent on pre-existing material was God during the creation week?
- Can the big bang theory and the Biblical account be harmonised?
The Earliest of Books
- Imagine God can finally inspire scripture because humans have finally developed an alphabet and there is a worthy person to inspire, what is the first things God would want to communicate to humans?
- What do humans most blame God for and what would be his response?
- Why would God convey a message through an experience rather than a sermon?
The Dilemma
- Do humans have a right to complain to God?
- Is God accountable to humans?
- What rights do humans have? Where do they get them from?
- Is God in control over the earth?
- Is life fair?
- How much can Satan interfere in my life?
- Does God protect his followers more than atheists?