
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Lesson 10 (Nov 26-Dec 2), The Wrath of Elihu

Miserable Comforters
  1. Why did Job's friends change from their purpose to comfort him to accusing him?
  2. In any argument why do people want to have the last word? Does keeping silent mean one accepts the other's arguments?
  3. What is the best way to end an argument?
The Entrance of Elihu
  1. Does the fact that Elihu is not mentioned in the beginning mean that he was not present all along? Is there any evidence that he has been listening to the other three?
  2. Was Elihu right in stating that Job was justifying himself rather than God?
  3. Did Elihu need to wait till the others had finished or should he have interrupted them if he had better arguments?
Elihu's Defense of God
  1. Why was Elihu angry with the failure of the three friends to answer Job successfully when he was saying essentially the same thing?
  2. Is there anything wrong in believing that God is not in total control of the events on this world?
  3. How did the friends of Job learn about God?
The Irrationality of Evil
  1. Is the statement correct, "To explain the origin of sin (evil) would be to excuse it?"
  2. Does life have to be fair?
  3. Does life have to make sense?
  4. Would anything be wrong if God created the universe to run without sin?
The Challenge Evil
  1. Did Job and his friends know about the devil?
  2. Does God have to give the devil permission for all the misfortunes in our lives?
  3. How can we develop the kind of trust in God that Job had?

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Lesson 9, (Nov 19-25), Intimations of Hope

Forgers of Lies
  1. From where did Job's friends get their information about God?
  2. How can we know if what we believe about God is true or not?
  3. What does Satan want us to believe about God? What does God do to counter false information about himself?

Though He Slay Me
  1. What enabled Job to have that strong faith that even the threat of death could not shake?
  2. What did Job have to gain by remaining steadfast in his loyalty to God, considering that he appeared headed for death?
  3. How did the friends of Job hope to help him by their arguments?

Intimations of Hope
  1. Does Job feel insecure about the "sins of his youth" (13:26)?
  2. How much faith did Job have in the sacrifices that he performed at the beginning and ending of the story? How much peace did those sacrifices bring him?
  3. How safe is the feeling of assurance that we may experience?

Hope Before the World Began
  1. Why would God make provision for salvation from sin even before there was sin? Did that presuppose the entry of sin?
  2. In enduring suffering, do those who do not know the truth have a disadvantage compared to those who do?
  3. How much did Job know about the plan of salvation?

Images of Hope
  1. Why do you think a lamb was selected for sacrifices? How forgiven can one feel after sacrificing an innocent lamb? 
  2. Why does God reveal truth progressively? Why could he not reveal everything to Adam?
  3. Why did God wait a few thousand years before sending Jesus? Why not immediately after Adam and Eve sinned?

Monday, 14 November 2016

Lesson 8 (Nov 12-18), Innocent Blood

Job's Protest
  1. Is Job more correct when he accuses God of being blind (cf 7:28; 9:24) or when he accuses God of watching too closely (7:18,19; 10:14; 13:27)?
  2. Is it wrong to question God sense of justice?
  3. What does Job mean when he refers to the grave as a place of no return?
Innocent Blood
  1. Is anyone on this earth innocent?
  2. Why is blood such a powerful symbol? With today's knowledge of physiology can any more correct symbol of life be proposed?
  3. Is there any evidence that God is holding back Satan from everyday damage?
Unfair Fates
  1. Is there more good or more evil on this earth?
  2. Which is worse, to let a guilty man go free, or to wrongly convict an innocent person and condemn him or her to jail?
  3. Which was a worse for Barabbas to be loosed or for Jesus to die?
  4. What rights do humans have? How did they get these rights?
Sufficient for the Day
  1. Where was God when Job was suffering? Did Job get any support from him?
  2. What enables humans to carry on in the face of suffering?
  3. Do Christians have more endurance than non-Christians?
Things Not Seen
  1. How does trust in God contribute to good health?
  2. How do doubts and fears affect health?
  3. How can a pessimist become an optimist?

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Lesson 7 (Nov 5-11), Retributive Punishment

More Accusations

  1. What drives people to be "traditional," to follow the "faith of the fathers," to be against anything new?
  2. Why does God allow Satan to take the lives of Job's innocent children?
  3. Did Job's sacrifices for his children "in case they have sinned in their hearts," do any good for them?
  4. Is there absolute order in nature or can a plant flourish against all odds--no proper soil, inadequate water, etc?
Less Than Your Iniquity Deserves
  1. Is it appropriate for younger persons to allow older ones to speak first?
  2. Is it profitable to try to understand the mysteries of God?
  3. Is it okay to tell a person Job 11:12 applies to you ("But a stupid man will get understanding when a donkey's colt is born a man")?
Divine Retribution
  1. Why were Job's three friends so anxious to prove that Job was guilty of something or the other?
  2. Why do we want to see the wicked punished?
  3. Do most people consider themselves "good?"
If the Lord Creates a New Thing
  1. Did God uniformly bless Israel with prosperity when they were faithful to him, and send disaster upon them when they were unfaithful? If so why did they lapse into idolatry so often? If not, why not? Had he promised to do so?
  2. Did individual Israelites in the Old Testament get away with unconfessed sin?
The Second Death
  1. Why does God want to burn Satan and the wicked people in hell fire?Why not just mercifully put them to death?
  2. Will hell be of fire, or could God use something more technologically advanced?
  3. Will the new earth automatically be sin free in the absence of a devil, or could humans tempt themselves and dismiss it?

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Lesson 6 (Oct 29-Nov 4), The Curse Causeless

The Big Questions

  1. Why do people take tests even though they cause so much stress? What does enduring a trial do for us?
  2. Do readers read through the debates in the dialogues of the book Job as readily as they do the prose story in the beginning and the end? If not why not?
  3. What does the Bible mean by saying we will not be tempted above what we are able?
When Have the Innocent Perished?
  1. If you were grieving the loss of all children what would you want friends to say that might comfort you? Would one like to hear that they got what they deserved, that everything is just and fair, or would one like to hear that they were innocent and life is not fair? Give reasons for your answer?
  2. Why did Job's friends remain silent for a week? Do you think they stayed there continuously or just during the day? Should they have said something instead of waiting for Job to speak first. 
  3. Would it have been better for Job's friends to just give him a hug and leave?
A Man and His Maker
  1. Why were Job's friends so anxious to prove that he was guilty?
  2. Why does God have to be right? Why can Satan not be right?
  3. Why is it not possible for a creature to be better than the creator?
The Foolish Taking Root

  1. How much do the wicked enjoy the pleasures of ill-gotten wealth?
  2. Can a righteous person be a victim of an evil curse?
  3. How accurate were the friends of Job who stated that if Job was truly righteous as he claimed that he would be restored?
Rush to Judgement
  1. What are we given the power of reasoning for if we are not to judge others?
  2. To what extent are we justified in making a connection between sin and suffering?
  3. What are signs of extreme grief that suggest one should not say anything to the bereaved?