More Accusations
- What drives people to be "traditional," to follow the "faith of the fathers," to be against anything new?
- Why does God allow Satan to take the lives of Job's innocent children?
- Did Job's sacrifices for his children "in case they have sinned in their hearts," do any good for them?
- Is there absolute order in nature or can a plant flourish against all odds--no proper soil, inadequate water, etc?
Less Than Your Iniquity Deserves
- Is it appropriate for younger persons to allow older ones to speak first?
- Is it profitable to try to understand the mysteries of God?
- Is it okay to tell a person Job 11:12 applies to you ("But a stupid man will get understanding when a donkey's colt is born a man")?
Divine Retribution
- Why were Job's three friends so anxious to prove that Job was guilty of something or the other?
- Why do we want to see the wicked punished?
- Do most people consider themselves "good?"
If the Lord Creates a New Thing
- Did God uniformly bless Israel with prosperity when they were faithful to him, and send disaster upon them when they were unfaithful? If so why did they lapse into idolatry so often? If not, why not? Had he promised to do so?
- Did individual Israelites in the Old Testament get away with unconfessed sin?
- Why does God want to burn Satan and the wicked people in hell fire?Why not just mercifully put them to death?
- Will hell be of fire, or could God use something more technologically advanced?
- Will the new earth automatically be sin free in the absence of a devil, or could humans tempt themselves and dismiss it?