Jesus' Description of the Holy Spirit
- Does the Holy Spirit speak and hear (smell and taste) like we do or are these anthropomorphic descriptions?
- Can a Spirit comfort, help and teach as well as a material being?
- Why is the Holy Spirit called a "spirit?" Are God the Father and the Son also spirits?
Personal Aspects of the Holy Spirit
- What is meant by "personality?" Do we mean concreteness or merely consciousness?
- What does it mean to "grieve" the Spirit? Can something that is only a force be grieved? Could it possible that it is actually God the Father whose 'spirit' is grieved, or does it necessitate a separate divine individual?
- Is love possible for a spirit that does not have personality?
- Does the Holy Spirit have a form? Does the Father have a form?
- What 'power' does the Spirit demonstrate?
- Why does the Bible refer to separate baptisms of water and of the Spirit?
- What is the necessity of baptizing in the name of all three members of the godhead? Isn't it enough to be baptized in the name of Jesus?
The Spirit of Truth
- Can't the Spirit of truth not be a person?
- Didn't Jesus say that He was the "way, the truth, and the life?" What does it mean for Jesus and the Spirit to be "truth?"
- How does the Spirit lead human beings? Does it differ from how Satan misleads us?
Why Does it Matter?
- Does it matter whether God is one, two, or three?
- Will the Spirit feel bad or neglected if we do not see Him as a separate person?
- Do we relate better to a person than to Spirit? Why do we have to be told that the third person of the godhead is a Spirit?