The Elusiveness of the Holy Spirit
- Is the image of "wind" the best description of the Holy Spirit or does it diminish the personality of the Spirit?
- Does God the Father have a form or is he a Spirit too?
- How can we answer those who claim that the Spirit is not a separate person but is God the Father's spirit?
The Holy Spirit at Creation
- What was the role of the Holy Spirit at creation? Why was the Spirit hovering over the water?
- When God breathed his breath into Adam, was that breath the Holy Spirit?
- Is the role of the Spirit in re-creation the same as that in creation?
The Holy Spirit and the Sanctuary
- Why is it stated only in the case of Bezalel that he was "filled with the Spirit of God" in the ability to fashion the furniture of the Sanctuary? How is Oholiab, his assistant, for whom no such statement is made, different? How about the other workmen about whom it is said that they were "given ability to make all that they were commanded?"
- Would these workmen have exhibited the same skill if they were working on a different project?
The Holy Spirit in Glorifying Jesus Christ
- Was the Holy Spirit more active in the New Testament than in the Old Testament?
- Is it possible that anyone could elevate the Holy Spirit above Jesus and/or the Father?
- Should we address the Holy Spirit in prayer as we do the Father and Jesus?
The Holy Spirit and Christ
- How was the role of the Holy Spirit in the conception of Jesus? Why would the Spirit not be called the "Father?"
- What was the significance of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus at his baptism? Did it benefit him or was it for the benefit of the onlookers?
- Did the Spirit assist Jesus during his temptations?
- Did Jesus depend on the Spirit during his life on this earth as we do or did he manage on his own because he was God?