
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Lesson 1 (Mar 25-31), The Person of Peter

Depart From Me

  1. Did Peter do it in faith when he lowered his net into the water saying "We've caught nothing all night, but since you say so, OK, I'll do it"? 
  2. Did Jesus perform a miracle (1) so that Peter's family would have food to eat? or (2) to reward Peter's faith, or (3) to develop the faith of Peter that He was the Messiah? or (4) some other reason?
  3. Why after a miraculous catch of fish did Peter say "Depart from me?"
Confessing the Christ

  1. Why did Jesus ask the disciples who people thought he was? Couldn't he read their minds?
  2. Does Peter speak without thinking or are his answers from earlier thoughts?
  3. Why was Jesus so strongly offended that He called Peter "Satan" when he sincerely thought that Jesus should not be put to death?
Walking on Water
  1. Why do you think Jesus encouraged Peter to come to Him walking on the water?
  2. Why didn't Peter just swim when he started to sink?
  3. Why do people doubt even when things are going so well?
Denying His Lord
  1. Did Peter mean what he said about being ready to go to prison or even to death with Jesus?
  2. Would Peter have avoided denying Jesus if Jesus was within sight?
  3. How can we describe Peter's faith?
Peter as Church Leader
  1. Do people who talk and act instinctively and impulsively become leaders? 
  2. Would you rather be roommate with Peter or with Paul? Why?
  3. What made Peter such a ready spokesperson, fearlessness or thoughtlessness?
  4. What did Jesus see in Peter that he called him to be a disciple?

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Lesson 12 (Mar 18-24), The Work of the Holy Spirit

Conviction of Sin

  1. How can we reconcile the work of the Holy Spirit as convicting of sin and at the same time being a comforter?
  2. Do we have a duty to point out sin in other church members or should that be left to the Holy Spirit?
  3. Does the Holy Spirit convict us of specific sins or just that we are sinners? Do we need to confess specific sins or is just being repentant and remorseful enough?
The Need of Righteousness
  1. Is our righteousness better than our unrighteousness, or worse?
  2. Why is our righteousness likened to filthy rags
  3. Does Satan have to agree that Christ's righteousness can be imputed to us?
Conviction about Judgement
  1. Do Adventists talk too much or too little about the investigative judgment?
  2. Is Satan represented in the final judgment or is his opportunity for that over? 
  3. Should we be afraid of the judgment?
The Assurance of Salvation
  1. How correct or wrong is the "once saved, always saved," theory?
  2. How can one lose salvation after gaining it? What does one have to do in order to lose it?
  3. Are people born again of the Spirit during baptism, before baptism, or after baptism?
The Holy Spirit and Hope
  1. What, if any, is the relationship between faith, hope and love? If the greatest is love, which comes second? What is the difference between faith and hope?
  2. Is it better to have false hope than no hope at all?
  3. Do Adventists have more hope than other Christians?

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Lesson 11 (Mar 11-17), Grieving and Resisting the Spirit

Resisting the Holy Spirit

  1. What is the equivalent of "un-circumcision in the hearts and ears" in the Christian experience?
  2. Is it possible for the Holy Spirit to force us to be good if he wants?
  3. Would people resist the Holy Spirit if they could see Him? Why doesn't God make Himself visible to us when He speaks to us at least in some veiled form so we won't die?
Grieving the Holy Spirit
  1. In what sense is the Spirit "grieved" when we do not listen to Him?
  2. Is there more on this earth to make the Spirit happy or to make Him sad?
  3. Is the Spirit grieved every time we yield to temptation or are there some special sins that grieve Him?
  4. Why was Christ so concerned about the unity of His followers?
  5. What creates disunity in the church? How can that problem be solved?
Quenching the Holy Spirit
  1. What is the difference between grieving and quenching the Spirit? Does "quenching" suggest an inanimate spirit?
  2. In what ways is the Spirit like a fire?
  3. Why is the Holy Spirit called "Holy?" Are there some unholy spirits?
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
  1. Why will the sin against the Spirit not be forgiven?
  2. Does "will not be forgiven" mean the same as "cannot be forgiven?" 
  3. What does blaspheme mean? Does it mean to swear against, to abuse and curse, or to resist? Can it be done in the mind or is it only when uttered aloud?
  4. Can one know if one has committed the unpardonable sin?

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Lesson 10 (Mar 4-10), The Holy Spirit, the Word, and Prayer

Prayer That is Pleasing to God

  1. What kinds of prayer would not be pleasing to God and why?
  2. When Jesus said "whatever you ask in my name you will receive," what did He mean? Any exceptions?
  3. What is more important, what I say in prayer, or how I say it? 
The Foundation of Biblical Prayer
  1. Why do we need to ask God for anything since most of what we need is provided by Him without our asking? 
  2. How effective is our morning prayer (1) to keep us from harm and danger, (2) to help us be kind and loving to others, (3) to protect our children, (4) to bless and  guide our church administrators, (5) to restore a sick loved one to health, etc.
  3. How can we ask for something for ourselves without being selfish?
  4. When we pray "nevertheless, Thy will be done," does it suggest lack of faith?
  5. Why don't we today approach a cripple and say "In the name of Jesus, take up your bed and walk . . . ?"
  6. Do children have more faith than adults?
  7. What does it mean to claim God's promise? How can we do that?
  8. Why do we need to claim God's promise? Is it like a child reminding a parent of a promise?
  9. Is prayer always on bended knee, closed eyes, and folded hands?
Praying for the Holy Spirit
  1. Do we need to pray for the Holy Spirit or will He come when we are ready?
  2. What are the indications that we might be unprepared to receive the Holy Spirit?
  3. What is the difference in requirements for receiving the Spirit as an individual and as a church?