Conviction of Sin
- How can we reconcile the work of the Holy Spirit as convicting of sin and at the same time being a comforter?
- Do we have a duty to point out sin in other church members or should that be left to the Holy Spirit?
- Does the Holy Spirit convict us of specific sins or just that we are sinners? Do we need to confess specific sins or is just being repentant and remorseful enough?
The Need of Righteousness
- Is our righteousness better than our unrighteousness, or worse?
- Why is our righteousness likened to filthy rags
- Does Satan have to agree that Christ's righteousness can be imputed to us?
Conviction about Judgement
- Do Adventists talk too much or too little about the investigative judgment?
- Is Satan represented in the final judgment or is his opportunity for that over?
- Should we be afraid of the judgment?
The Assurance of Salvation
- How correct or wrong is the "once saved, always saved," theory?
- How can one lose salvation after gaining it? What does one have to do in order to lose it?
- Are people born again of the Spirit during baptism, before baptism, or after baptism?
The Holy Spirit and Hope
- What, if any, is the relationship between faith, hope and love? If the greatest is love, which comes second? What is the difference between faith and hope?
- Is it better to have false hope than no hope at all?
- Do Adventists have more hope than other Christians?