
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Lesson 5 (Apr 22-28), Living for God

Being of "One Mind"
  1. How much can people differ and still be called "like-minded?" Can like-minded people agree to disagree?
  2. How far can we allow our sympathy and compassion to tolerate what we disapprove of in others?
  3. Why does Peter disapprove of "returning evil for evil" when Moses recommended "an eye for an eye?"
To Suffer in the Flesh
  1. Does the Adventist belief of the work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary reduce the value of His death on the cross?
  2. How can the death of one person (Jesus) pay the penalty for so many people?
  3. What made Jesus reluctant in the Garden of Gethsemane, the thought of physical suffering or mental agony? Which is worse?
Born Again
  1. In what ways is a Christian born again? Does the new birth come without baptism?
  2. Does the new birth come gradually or do some things change instantly?
  3. Does the new birth come to non-Christians also? How do some non-Christians live such saintly lives?
Sins of the Flesh
  1. Why did God make sex so pleasurable that it causes so much temptation and sin?
  2. Should lust and addictions be controlled by medication?
  3. How do Christians compare with non-Christians in resisting sins of the flesh?
Love Covers All
  1. What is the difference in "love covers all" and "love conquers all?"
  2. To what extent is confession and apology necessary for forgiveness?
  3. To what extent must one "forget" when forgiveness is given?

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Lesson 4 (April 15-21), Social Relationships

Church and State
  1. Why do we have governments? Can we live without governments? How did God intend for people to be governed? 
  2. How did God address bad governance in the Old Testament? What can be done about evil governments today? Would God support an effort to overthrow an evil ruler? Do other nations have an obligation to control or overthrow evil rulers of another country?
  3. Why is it important for Christians to be good citizens?
Masters and Slaves
  1. Why does the Bible not openly condemn slavery? If it had, would Christian nations have eschewed it? Is it okay for a slave to run away from his/her master?
  2. Should an oppressed person or community bear suffering silently? When should a person or group stand up for their rights?
Wives and Husbands
  1. Should a wife submit to her husband even if she is right?
  2. How can a woman win without fighting verbally?
  3. As head of the house is a man expected to enforce the submission of his wife? If allowed will she get more and more headstrong?
  4. How does a husband "treat his wife as the weaker partner with respect?" How does that apply in a quarrel between husband and wife?
Social Relationships
  1. If a customs officer lets a Christian off without enforcing the full duty, should the Christian insist on paying the full amount of customs duty?
  2. Does the Bible condemn paying bribes or only accepting bribes?
  3. Why did the apostles not attempt to correct social ills, but counsel Christians to live within the system, even though it was evil?
Christianity and the Social Order
  1. Why did Peter allow himself to be freed from prison? Is it alright to try to escape from the police or from prison if the arrest is wrongful?
  2. Up to what point should we obey governments and under what circumstances should we obey God rather than human authorities?

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Lesson 3 (Apr 8-14), A Royal Priesthood

Living as a Christian
  1. What evidence is there that even the disciples of Jesus were guilty of malice, envy, deceit, hypocrisy, and slander? 
  2. Does a Christian have to get rid of the above vices before seeking spiritual nourishment, or do Christians need the strength first in order to get rid of these?
  3. Do all of the above (malice, envy, deceit, hypocrisy, slander) involve other people or can one have a problem with any of them even in isolation? Why is it easier to sin because of other people, than by ourselves?
The Living Stone
  1. What is one's role as part of the "priesthood of all believers?" Why are lay-members in churches restricted from performing certain duties that pastors are tasked with?
  2. What does it mean for one to personally be a part of the structure of his/her local church? Just as a building may suffer damage if a an important part is removed, should my local church suffer if I leave? Would that be an indication that I was performing a crucial role?
God's Covenant People
  1. What value does a covenant have if one party is going to default, and the other party knows it? What was the point of making the covenant?
  2. Why did God choose the Israelites who failed Him in the end? Couldn't God have retained a faithful remnant while rejecting the majority of the nation? Which group was more faithful--the group left behind or the group taken to Babylon?
A Royal Priesthood
  1. In what way were the Israelites a "kingdom of priests?"
  2. If Melchizedek could be a priest, why were only sons of Aaron allowed to function as priests in Israel?
  3. Why were women excluded from the priesthood in Israel?
Proclaiming the Praises
  1. Did the Israelites understand that they were to be a witness to other nations? Were there any specific instructions to them to evangelise the world? Weren't they just supposed to annihilate all the nations around them?
  2. What does it mean for a Christian today who is not a clergyman, to be part of a royal priesthood?
  3. Do Adventists tend too much to live in their own communities taking the "not of this world" too literally? What is the reason that Adventists fail to witness adequately?

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Lesson 2 (April 1-7), An Inheritance Incorruptible

To The Exiles

  1. Why should a letter written by an apostle to some people be scripture and applicable to all people of all generations? Is an epistle to a church different from a personal letter to an individual in level of inspiration?
  2. How is it helpful to us to know the background of the letter? Does it make a difference whether it was written to gentiles or Jews?
  1. Why are the ones being written to called "the elect" if everyone has been elected or chosen to be saved?
  2. What would be a problem in the "once saved" "always saved" theory? 
  3. If God knows who will be saved and who will be lost, isn't that some kind of predestination?
Key Themes
  1. When teaching Christianity which doctrines should be presented first? How many of our 28 fundamental beliefs are essential for Salvation? Which ones, if any need not be presented till after baptism?
  2. What advantages if any,  do Christians have over other religions, as far as hope is concerned?
  3. How much of salvation by grace did prophets of the Old Testament understand?
Living the Life of Salvation
  1. What behavioural characteristics  differentiate people with hope from those without hope? Can a Christian be identified through behaviour?
  2. What factors make Christians behave differently?
  3. If you were not a Christian what religion would you belong to?
Love one Another
  1. Do Christians love each other more than members of other religions? If so, how is it manifested?
  2. Do Adventists love each other more than members of other Christian denominations? If so, how is it manifested?
  3. How can Christian love be developed?