To The Exiles
- Why should a letter written by an apostle to some people be scripture and applicable to all people of all generations? Is an epistle to a church different from a personal letter to an individual in level of inspiration?
- How is it helpful to us to know the background of the letter? Does it make a difference whether it was written to gentiles or Jews?
- Why are the ones being written to called "the elect" if everyone has been elected or chosen to be saved?
- What would be a problem in the "once saved" "always saved" theory?
- If God knows who will be saved and who will be lost, isn't that some kind of predestination?
Key Themes
- When teaching Christianity which doctrines should be presented first? How many of our 28 fundamental beliefs are essential for Salvation? Which ones, if any need not be presented till after baptism?
- What advantages if any, do Christians have over other religions, as far as hope is concerned?
- How much of salvation by grace did prophets of the Old Testament understand?
Living the Life of Salvation
- What behavioural characteristics differentiate people with hope from those without hope? Can a Christian be identified through behaviour?
- What factors make Christians behave differently?
- If you were not a Christian what religion would you belong to?
Love one Another
- Do Christians love each other more than members of other religions? If so, how is it manifested?
- Do Adventists love each other more than members of other Christian denominations? If so, how is it manifested?
- How can Christian love be developed?