
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Lesson 1 (June 24-30) Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles

Why was a scholar like Paul prejudiced against accepting Jesus as the Messiah?

Persecutor of Christians
  1. Why is religion the major basis for persecution?
  2. Why do you think Saul preferred to guard the cloaks than throw stones at Stephen?
  3. What effect does the death of a martyr have on onlookers?
  4. Is there a way to speak your way out of getting stoned?
Saul's Conversion
  1. How can people get brainwashed and radicalized? How can they be deprogrammed?
  2. What about his encounter on the road to Damascus convinced Saul it was Jesus speaking to him?
  3. What makes it difficult to convert our thinking from one side to the other?
  4. Which is more common, a sudden or a gradual conversion?
Saul in Damascus
  1. Why do you think God struck Saul with blindness rather than deafness? What different things do sight and hearing symbolize?
  2. Why do you think God chose to send Saul to Ananias rather than to one of the apostles?
  3. What made it preferable to send the converted Saul to evangelize the gentiles?
The Gospel  Goes to the Gentiles
  1. Why were the Jews so reluctant to take the gospel to the gentiles abroad?
  2. What challenges would Paul face after his conversion?
  3. Would we today have preferred for Paul to reach out to his former colleagues--pharisees?
  4. Does God bring persecution and exile so that the gospel can be spread faster?
Conflict Within the Church
  1. Why are church members happy to welcome new members, but concerned when huge numbers pour in?
  2. Why did the Jewish Christians want the gentile converts to conform to the Mosaic laws?
  3. Did Jesus intend to establish a new religion or could Judaism have flowed into Christianity?
  4. What turned Paul from a persecutor into a persecuted person?

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Lesson 13 (June 17-23), Major Themes in 1 & 2 Peter

Suffering, Jesus, and Salvation

  1. Did Peter ever overcome the shame of denying Jesus? How can one recover from such shame?
  2. How effective as a deterrent is having to kill an innocent animal every time you sin?
  3. How can God suffer?
How Should We Live?
  1. For what reasons might knowledge of salvation still not push us to make any changes in our lives?
  2. How much should we use the impending judgement as an incentive for change in behaviour?
  3. How important is anxiety in our lives? How can one practically not be over-anxious in daily living?
Hope in the Second Coming
  1. How sure are we of the roles of the Father and Son in the judgement? Have we made it too much like an earthly court scene?
  2. Why does hell have to be painful since it is final anyway? Do the righteous still need a deterrent?
  3. Why is it necessary to respond with obedience through faith rather than through evidence?
Order in the Society and in the Church
  1. Why do some people not follow order?
  2. Would the church fall into disorder if there was no organization? What aspects could suffer?
  3. Why does Peter say to "clothe" ourselves with humility? Is it something we can put on and take off?
The Primacy of Scripture
  1. How can we argue for inspiration of the Bible by pointing out its overall harmony when that which was not in harmony was left out?
  2. Is the written word superior to the oral tradition? Why or why not?
  3. How does the one reading the Bible with the right preparation gain more than one who reads casually?

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Lesson 12 (June 10-16), The Day of the Lord

Why did the chroniclers record after a victory for Israel's armies, that it was "a great day of the Lord?" What connection does that have to the future "Day of the Lord?"

The Line of Authority
  1. Did apostles of the New Testament have the same authority as prophets of the Old Testament times?
  2. Do church leaders today have the same authority as priests, prophets, or apostles?
  3. Why must scripture be considered of utmost authority? Are some details of the Bible to be considered nuanced by culture and only the principles applicable?
The Scoffers
  1. What is the difference, if any, between a skeptic and a scoffer? Can either be expected to be in heaven?
  2. What makes a person a scoffer? How can becoming one be prevented? 
  3. What dangers do scoffers pose to us? Why must we be warned against them?
A Thousand Years as a Day
  1. Is it possible that Christ's  return could actually be far far away and we might be mistaken that He's returning within our lifetime? Has every generation believed that theirs is the last?
  2. What is there to prevent us from understanding that one day is equal to one thousand years in Bible prophecy instead of one day equal to one year?
  3. By stating that the flood destroyed "the world of that time" is Peter suggesting that the flood was not necessarily world-wide?
  4. Can there be a delay in the Second Coming from God's point of view?
So What
  1. How would we prepare if we knew when a thief was to target our home? What kind of person would not bother to make any preparation?
  2. If people fail to be warned is it their fault or could it be that we have failed to impress them adequately?
  3. Has our church lost its emphasis since 1844 on the second coming since so many years have passed? 
A Final Appeal
  1. What does Peter mean by urging members to be "spotless and blameless, and at peace with Him?" 
  2. Who decided that Paul's writings are "scripture" as referred to by Peter? Who decided which books were inspired and worthy to be in the Bible?
  3.  Why is it that both sides of a debate can quote the Bible to support their view? How can we know who is distorting the Bible?

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Lesson 11 (June 3-9), False Teachers

False Prophets and False Teachers
  1. What do prophets and teachers get out of spreading false teachings?
  2. What do people get out of disseminating fake news? Should those who spread fake news be punished?
  3. How can we protect ourselves from fake teachings?
Freedom in Christ
  1. What are lustful desires of the flesh? How does Satan use modern devices to entice people?
  2. How can one get free from the shackles of bad habits? How can one access the power of Christ for this?
  3. How is the freedom that Christ promises differ from the freedom that the world offers?
A Dog Returns to Its Vomit
  1. What are some of the main reasons why people stop attending church and return to their worldly lifestyle?
  2. What factors keep members active in the church so that they do not leave?
  3. What causes some backsliders to return to church?
Peter and Jude
  1. If two Bible authors write the same thing, what does it mean? Why would they do that?
  2. Why does God who provided a means of escape for the faithful from the flood, from Sodom and Gomorrah, not save the righteous from natural disasters terrorist activities, and accidents today?
More Old Testament Lessons
  1. What, if anything, was wrong about Lot going to live in Sodom? Could it have been possible for Lot to have witnessed better than he did and to have converted some people?
  2. Is it wrong to leave the employ of the church in order to earn more?
  3. What did Balaam do wrong after being so careful not to go against God's will? Why would a follower of God go along with a plan to harm God's people?