Suffering, Jesus, and Salvation
- Did Peter ever overcome the shame of denying Jesus? How can one recover from such shame?
- How effective as a deterrent is having to kill an innocent animal every time you sin?
- How can God suffer?
How Should We Live?
- For what reasons might knowledge of salvation still not push us to make any changes in our lives?
- How much should we use the impending judgement as an incentive for change in behaviour?
- How important is anxiety in our lives? How can one practically not be over-anxious in daily living?
Hope in the Second Coming
- How sure are we of the roles of the Father and Son in the judgement? Have we made it too much like an earthly court scene?
- Why does hell have to be painful since it is final anyway? Do the righteous still need a deterrent?
- Why is it necessary to respond with obedience through faith rather than through evidence?
Order in the Society and in the Church
- Why do some people not follow order?
- Would the church fall into disorder if there was no organization? What aspects could suffer?
- Why does Peter say to "clothe" ourselves with humility? Is it something we can put on and take off?
The Primacy of Scripture
- How can we argue for inspiration of the Bible by pointing out its overall harmony when that which was not in harmony was left out?
- Is the written word superior to the oral tradition? Why or why not?
- How does the one reading the Bible with the right preparation gain more than one who reads casually?