Paul, the Letter Writer
- How did the invention of something to write on (papyrus) compare with the invention of the internet today?
- Why did the apostles write letters to churches instead of just visiting them?
- Did the apostles realize that the letters they wrote would have the force of Scripture? What gave those letters such authority?
- Why did churches make copies of letters written by apostles to other churches?
- How do world church leaders give instruction to local churches today? How authoritative are those communications?
Paul's Calling
- What convinced people that Paul's letters had the same weight as the letters of Jesus' disciples?
- Why didn't Jesus call Paul like he called his other disciples?
- Why was there opposition to Paul's authority?
- On what basis could Paul assert that the Mosaic law did not apply to the gentiles?
Paul's Gospel
- What do the words "grace" and "peace" convey? What if anything, do they convey anything about the writer and receivers of the letter?
- What is the essence of the gospel for Paul?
- If one had to write a summary of the gospel on one page what would it look like?
No Other Gospel
- How close are Adventists to believing like the Galatians that faith is not enough, but works is also important for salvation?
- How important is keeping the law for salvation? When Jesus separates the sheep and the goats why does he make no mention of the importance of keeping the law?
- Of what value is personal "experience" compared to what was written by Paul two thousand years ago?
The Origin of Paul's Gospel
- How much compromise is permissible in order to convert people to Christ? What does Paul mean when he says he became all things to all people?
- Were apostles influenced in their thinking by any other than the Holy Spirit?
- How do church leaders today develop their thinking on any subject? How reliable are those methods?