
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Lesson 10 (Aug 26-Sept 1), The Two Convenants

Covenant Basics

  1. Why was it necessary for God and humans to have a covenant? What makes covenants binding?
  2. Did Adam agree to anything in Eden or was the covenant one-sided? 
  3. Was it necessary for Adam and Eve to agree to God's terms and conditions or was it mandatory?
The Abrahamic Covenant
  1. What had Abraham done that God chose him to make a covenant with? 
  2. Were God's promises to Abraham conditional? 
  3. What would be the equivalent of the ancient practice of walking between halves of slaughtered animals to signify ratification of a treaty  by the parties? Why did God accede to this?
Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar
  1. How much was Hagar at fault in the fiasco of the relationship with Abraham?
  2. How was Hagar an apt illustration of being "under the law" as used by Paul? 
  3. How important was it that Abraham's and Sarah's child be born in a somewhat miraculous manner? How much faith did Abraham and Sarah demonstrate in the promise?
Hagar and Mt Sinai
  1. Why did the Israelites respond at Mt Sinai with the assurance "All that the Lord hath said, we will do?" Were they required to give a response? If they had not responded would that have changed anything?
  2. What, if anything, should the Israelites have said to indicate they had a proper relationship to the law?
  3. How much grace is on display in the Old Testament?
Ishmael and Isaac Today
  1. Was it totally fair for Paul to state that the Jewish Christians who insisted on retaining adherence to circumcision and other ceremonial laws were descendants of Ishmael, and that the Gentile Christians who were liberated from the law were the heirs of Isaac? 
  2. Is it just the ceremonial law that was done away with at the cross or Salvation through the Decalogue too?
  3. Are Adventists closer to the Jewish or the Gentile position of Paul's day?

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Lesson 9 (Aug 19-25), Paul's Pastoral Appeal

 The Heart of Paul

  1. What made Paul so passionate about the salvation of people? Are people born with that passion or can it be cultivated?
  2. Is it appropriate for evangelists to become emotionally involved with people?
  3. Do Christians ever achieve Christ being manifest in them, or is it a never-ending process?
The Challenge to Become

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having humans as examples to follow?
  2. Is it appropriate for converts to imitate dress and culture of missionaries?
  3. What did Paul mean when he said he wanted his converts to become like him?
I have Become as You Are
  1. How can missionaries who try to become like the natives avoid being seen as a wolf in sheep's clothing?
  2. Why should the Galatians become like Paul if he had become like them?
  3. What aspects of Christianity cannot be compromised?
Then and Now
  1. Does God cause missionaries to suffer so that some people may hear the gospel who otherwise would not? If so, what makes it okay? 
  2. Would it be permissible for God to keep His evangelists in perfect health for the sake of the spread of the gospel?
  3. Is suffering and sickness a sign of sin?
Speaking the Truth
  1. Is it appropriate to conceal our true identity as a church when we begin to reach out to a people?
  2. How much do we wish people to speak the plain truth to us? Is it better to remain silent on some topics?
  3. Is it possible always to maintain such an attitude that it is possible to speak the truth and still not hurt the person?

Friday, 18 August 2017

Lesson 8 (Aug 12-18), From Slaves to Heirs

Our Condition in Christ

  1. At what point does one become a son or daughter of Christ?
  2. Does anything happen to a person being baptised or has that already happened before? Is baptism only a sign of an inward change, or is it more than that? Is it a sacrament by which anything spiritual is conveyed?
Enslaved to Elementary Principles 
  1. So if the law is a temporary "guardian," or "tutor," when do we not need it any more?
  2. Is the law more important for children than for adults?
God Sent Forth His Son 
  1. Did God send His son when the world was "in the fulness of time," for Him, or did He prepare the world for His coming? Was the date flexible? What about the second coming, is the date flexible or fixed?
  2. Why did Christ have to become a human in order to save humans? Cannot God do whatever He wants to?
The Privileges of Adoption
  1. If we are adopted as God's children are we second-class family members? Are adopted children equal to those born into the family?
  2. Do parents love adopted children as much, and do they enjoy the same privileges?
Why Turn Back to Slavery
  1. What causes children to get fed up of being part of a family?
  2. Why do some members leave the church?
  3. Are Adventists in danger of falling back into slavery to the law?

Friday, 11 August 2017

Lesson 7 (Aug 5-11), The Road to Faith

The Law and Promise

  1. Which is stronger, the law or grace?
  2. Is it wrong to feel good about observing the law?
Kept Under the Law
  1. What is meant by "under the law?" 
  2. How concerned should we be about keeping the law?
The Law as Our Guard
  1. Why do we personify the law treating it as a "guard," or "schoolmaster?" What does it do?
  2. Is having the law a blessing or a curse?
The Law as A Schoolmaster
  1. Why did Paul like the law to a "tutor" rather than a "teacher?
  2. What are the negative aspects of a "tutor?"
The Law and the Believer
  1. Why did God give only ten commandments?
  2. How does God give power to overcome sin?

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Lesson 6 (July 29-Aug 4), The Priority of the Promise

Law and Faith

  1. Why do humans have such a hard time believing that salvation can be so free?
  2. What conditions are there, if any, to receiving God's saving grace?
  3. Is God's promise of salvation revocable? Can he go back on His promise? What does the Bible mean when it says "God repented?"
Faith and Law
  1. If the law was to be nailed to the cross, what was the point in giving it in the first place?
  2. How does salvation by faith through grace "establish the law?" Doesn't it nullify the law?
  3. What is meant by the phrase "Christ fulfilled the law?" He kept it? He satisfied the requirements of the law once and for all for everyone?
The Purpose of the Law
  1. How many kinds of laws are there in the Bible? Why are there so many kinds?
  2. Why does the Mosaic law not apply to Christians?
  3. Why do Adventists believe that certain portions of Leviticus such as the guidelines on clean meats, still apply?
The Duration of God's Law
  1. Did the Ten Commandments exist before Sinai?  Why didn't God reveal them to Abraham?
  2. What makes us think that the law is applicable even after the cross?
  3. Why do we say that the law is  transcript of God's character? How can God's character be revealed fully in ten points?
The Superiority of the Promise
  1. Do humans have a right to a plan of salvation?
  2. What could have been the outcome if God did not come up with a plan of salvation?
  3. Why could not a portion of humans remain faithful like one third of the angels did?
  4. Why was there no plan of salvation for the angels?