The Heart of Paul
- What made Paul so passionate about the salvation of people? Are people born with that passion or can it be cultivated?
- Is it appropriate for evangelists to become emotionally involved with people?
- Do Christians ever achieve Christ being manifest in them, or is it a never-ending process?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of having humans as examples to follow?
- Is it appropriate for converts to imitate dress and culture of missionaries?
- What did Paul mean when he said he wanted his converts to become like him?
I have Become as You Are
- How can missionaries who try to become like the natives avoid being seen as a wolf in sheep's clothing?
- Why should the Galatians become like Paul if he had become like them?
- What aspects of Christianity cannot be compromised?
Then and Now
- Does God cause missionaries to suffer so that some people may hear the gospel who otherwise would not? If so, what makes it okay?
- Would it be permissible for God to keep His evangelists in perfect health for the sake of the spread of the gospel?
- Is suffering and sickness a sign of sin?
Speaking the Truth
- Is it appropriate to conceal our true identity as a church when we begin to reach out to a people?
- How much do we wish people to speak the plain truth to us? Is it better to remain silent on some topics?
- Is it possible always to maintain such an attitude that it is possible to speak the truth and still not hurt the person?