
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Lesson 14 (Sept 23-29), Boasting in the Cross

Paul's Own Hand

  1. Do you agree with the lesson author that writing in large letters is for emphasis? What other reasons could there be for using large letters?
  2. Why would a person add something in his/her own handwriting after dictating a letter?
  3. Why would English have the same word for one of the alphabet and for a written communication--"letter?"
Boasting in the Flesh
  1. Is there any credit for good motives?
  2. Couldn't gentiles be advised to undertake circumcision for its health advantages?
  3. What, if anything, is wrong about bragging about good habits or practices?
Boasting About the Cross
  1. Is it wrong to have crosses in our churches, on our necks? What about having "Jesus on a cross" on display in our churches or homes? When Muslims and Hindus fight is it okay to identify ourselves and our churches with a cross to escape getting involved wrongly?
  2. Is displaying a Baby Jesus in a manger the same as having a statue or image?
  3. Why do you think the Adventist logo has a blank space in the shape of a cross and not a drawn cross?
A New Creation
  1. Which is worse, being proud of following the law or being proud of not being under the law?
  2. What does it mean practically to be a new creation?
  3. What is the evidence of having been born again?
Final Remarks
  1. What is the guide for individuals and for the church when the teaching of the Bible is not clear?
  2. Did Paul boast about the sacrifices he had made for the sake of the gospel, or was there a good reason for him to point those out to others
  3. What made Paul such an effective preacher?

Monday, 18 September 2017

Lesson 13 (Sept 16-22), The Gospel and the Church

Restoring the Fallen
  1. How can one restore a fellow-Christian when a brother or sister is caught doing something wrong?
  2. Should the church be concerned only with serious sins of members or should all wrong behaviour be addressed?
  3. Is it wrong to talk to others about the sins of a church member without talking to the erring member first?
Beware of Temptation
  1. What are the risks in talking to others about their sinful behaviour?
  2. What is wrong or potentially wrong in talking about others' failures? What effect does gossiping about others have on our ego? 
Burden Bearing
  1. How can a burden be shared? How is carrying the burden easier when it is thus shared?
  2. How can one avoid being judgemental when discussing the faults of others?
  3. How can we know whom to trust when we need to confide in a person?
The Law of Christ
  1. What law of Christ are we fulfilling when we help another carry a burden?
  2. Is it easier to confess to a priest or to God directly? What are the advantages of either? What are the disadvantages of either?
  3. How does one let go of a burden?
Sowing and Reaping
  1. What is true and what is false about the phrase "A person reaps what he/she sows?"
  2. How is the above phrase linked to Paul's statement "God is not mocked?" What is the connection?
  3. Does God reward us according to how we sow?

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Lesson 12 (Sept 8-15), Living by the Spirit

Walking in the Spirit
  1. Is there any difference between "walking in the Spirit" and "following the Spirit?" Why did Paul use the former?
  2. Why is religion a "way" of life?

The Christian's Conflict
  1. Why is "lust" associated with flesh and not with the mind? If it really is connected with the body, how can it be controlled?
  2. Are lusts of the flesh all sinful?

The Works of the Flesh
  1. Are lust of the flesh only urges to do wrong, or can it also be the failure to do right? 
  2. How is looking at a list of vices and virtues helpful?

The Fruit of the Spirit
  1. Why is "works of the flesh" plural when "fruit of the Spirit" is singular?
  2. Which of the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control), benefit the individual directly and how do the others help the individual?

The Way to Victory
  1. How does one practically "walk in the Spirit?'
  2. What does the devil do to try to keep us from "walking in the Spirit?"

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Lesson 11 (Sept 2-8), Freedom in Christ

Christ Has Set Us Free

  1. What does it mean that Christ has set us free? In what way are Christians more free than the Israelites of the Old Testament?
  2. What does Paul mean by "the yoke of the bondage?" How entangled are Adventists with the law?
  3. Why are Adventists so cautious with salvation by grace? Is that caution justified?
The Nature of Christian Freedom
  1. Is it possible for Christians to be free and not know it? How can we know for sure that we are free?
  2. Why did Paul emphasize freedom from the law more than the other disciples? 
  3. Does accepting Christ free Christians from having to keep the law?
The Dangerous Consequences of Legalism
  1. Is it wrong to be circumcised? Is it permissible to choose and pick which ceremonial laws one wishes to observe?
  2. Why might satisfaction derived from keeping the law be dangerous?
  3. What is wrong about keeping the law like the rich young ruler did?
Liberty not Licentiousness
  1. How can one know if he or she is abusing grace and indulging in sin? 
  2. Should one try to resist temptation, or is that trying to be saved by works?
  3. If love is not the motive for keeping the law, is it being kept in vain?
Fulfilling the Whole Law
  1. How is it that breaking one law we are said to have broken all, when keeping one does not mean keeping them all?
  2. Is it possible to love everyone properly? Did Jesus love the Pharisees and priests? 
  3. Which is easier to (1) to keep the letter of the commandments, (2) to bring a sacrifice for each sin for forgiveness, (3) to love everyone?