Christ Has Set Us Free
- What does it mean that Christ has set us free? In what way are Christians more free than the Israelites of the Old Testament?
- What does Paul mean by "the yoke of the bondage?" How entangled are Adventists with the law?
- Why are Adventists so cautious with salvation by grace? Is that caution justified?
The Nature of Christian Freedom
- Is it possible for Christians to be free and not know it? How can we know for sure that we are free?
- Why did Paul emphasize freedom from the law more than the other disciples?
- Does accepting Christ free Christians from having to keep the law?
The Dangerous Consequences of Legalism
- Is it wrong to be circumcised? Is it permissible to choose and pick which ceremonial laws one wishes to observe?
- Why might satisfaction derived from keeping the law be dangerous?
- What is wrong about keeping the law like the rich young ruler did?
Liberty not Licentiousness
- How can one know if he or she is abusing grace and indulging in sin?
- Should one try to resist temptation, or is that trying to be saved by works?
- If love is not the motive for keeping the law, is it being kept in vain?
Fulfilling the Whole Law
- How is it that breaking one law we are said to have broken all, when keeping one does not mean keeping them all?
- Is it possible to love everyone properly? Did Jesus love the Pharisees and priests?
- Which is easier to (1) to keep the letter of the commandments, (2) to bring a sacrifice for each sin for forgiveness, (3) to love everyone?