Paul's Burden
- What was God's purpose in selecting Israel as his chosen people? How much of God's purposes for them did the Israelites fulfill?
- What, if any, are our obligations as heirs of Abraham?
- What made Abel, Jacob and the prodigal son, preferred over their older brother? Is the older brother usually less inclined to religious matters?
- What did God mean when he said "Esau I have hated?"Could Esau have been the one through whom the Messiah came?
- Why does the Bible say that God hardened Pharaoh's heart? How much choice did the human have in it?
- Why does God keep some things hidden from humans?
- How are discoveries made, by accident, or by plan of God?
Ammi: "My People"
- Why would Father Hosea name his son "Not my people?" Why was his name changed to "my people?'
- Would God have had His prophet marry a prostitute or was only an object lesson, a parable?
- In what way did Jesus become a stumbling block for the Jews? Why was it difficult for them to accept Him as their Messiah?
- What in other people become stumbling blocks for me?
- Should I be bothered if I am a stumbling block for someone, or is it their own lookout?