The Grandest Deception
- Does Satan prefer for us to believe that he exists or that he does not exist? What advantage does he have either way?
- If we saw Satan, what would he look like? How much has he changed since he was created?
- Is Satan aware he is deceiving us, or does he really believe he is right?
The Two Great Errors
- What does Paul mean when he blames Satan for masquerading as an angel of light?
- Does Satan have power to heal an afflicted person, or are some healings only an illusion?
- Have we sinned if we did wrong because we were deceived?Will we be punished for being deceived?
The Immortality of the Soul
- Why would God not want souls to be immortal?
- What does the Bible mean when it states that the "spirit" returns to God?
- How can we account for people who feel they died and left their bodies and then returned again?
Sabbath and the Theory of Evolution
- Since the Adventist church does not specify any age of the earth, only teaching a "recent" creation, how high can we go for the age of the earth and still claim to believe in a "recent" creation?
- If we abandon the six-day creation that the Bible describes, what do we lose?
- What relevance does the Sabbath have if the earth only evolved?
The Counterfeit Trinity
- Why is there so much discussion about the Trinity in the Adventist Church? What is to be gained or lost?
- Why is Satan and his cohorts described in terms of dragons and beasts?
- Would people willingly and knowingly worship the devil and his associates or would they do it only if they were deceived?