
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Lesson 9 (May 26-June 1), End Time Deceptions

The Grandest Deception

  1. Does Satan prefer for us to believe that he exists or that he does not exist? What advantage does he have either way?
  2. If we saw Satan, what would he look like? How much has he changed since he was created?
  3. Is Satan aware he is deceiving us, or does he really believe he is right?
The Two Great Errors
  1. What does Paul mean when he blames Satan for masquerading as an angel of light?
  2. Does Satan have power to heal an afflicted person, or are some healings only an illusion?
  3. Have we sinned if we did wrong because we were deceived?Will we be punished for being deceived?
The Immortality of the Soul
  1. Why would God not want souls to be immortal?
  2. What does the Bible mean when it states that the "spirit" returns to God?
  3. How can we account for people who feel they died and left their bodies and then returned again?
Sabbath and the Theory of Evolution
  1. Since the Adventist church does not specify any age of the earth, only teaching a "recent" creation, how high can we go for the age of the earth and still claim to believe in a "recent" creation?
  2. If we abandon the six-day creation that the Bible describes, what do we lose?
  3. What relevance does the Sabbath have if the earth only evolved?
The Counterfeit Trinity
  1. Why is there so much discussion about the Trinity in the Adventist Church? What is to be gained or lost?
  2. Why is Satan and his cohorts described in terms of dragons and beasts?
  3. Would people willingly and knowingly worship the devil and his associates or would they do it only if they were deceived?

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Lesson 8 (May 19-25), Worship the Creator

The Universality of the Gospel

  1. Do those nations, tongues and peoples who hear the everlasting and universal gospel have an advantage over those who have missed hearing it?
  2. Why has God entrusted the spread of the gospel to unreliable human beings?
  3. Is spreading the gospel of more benefit to those hearing it or those imparting it?
The Thief on the Cross and the Everlasting Gospel
  1. What leads people to a career of theft? Why is stealing wrong?
  2. What kinds of activities are included in theft? In what ways might modern people fbe guilty of theft in everyday life?
  3. What kind of characters did the thieves on the cross display prior to the one asking Jesus to save him? What made Jesus so willing to save him?
Fear God and Give Glory to Him
  1. What is the difference between being afraid of God and "fearing" Him? What is the relationship between "fearing" God and giving Him glory?
  2. Why do several Bible texts (such as Job1:1) connect "fearing God" with obeying Him and "shunning evil?" What does it accomplish if a person avoids sin?
  3. Why would Bible writers use the term "fear" for one who obeys God?
The Hour of His Judgment is Come
  1. In the judgment are humans the defendants (accused), or the plaintiffs (accuser), neither, or both? 
  2. In the judgment do we have to plead guilty or not guilty?
  3. When will/did the judgment begin and when will it end?
Worship the One Who Made the Heavens and the Earth
  1. What did the angel mean when he qualified God as the creator?
  2. Do Adventists truly keep the Sabbath as a memorial of creation? Is it necessary to think of creation on the Sabbath?
  3. Why does God wish humans to remember that He created them and the whole world?

Monday, 7 May 2018

Lesson 6 (May 5-11), The Change of the Law

The Promise

  1. What does Paul mean when he says "there is no condemnation for those in Jesus?' Is there anything that one needs to do to escape condemnation besides what Jesus did?
  2. What is a greater problem, doing what we know we should not do or not doing what we know we should do? What kinds of temptations would an apostle or pastor encounter, that Paul should make such a lament?
  3. What is "grace?" How does that word give hope?
The Law and Sin
  1. What is the relationship between "law" and "sin?" Can one exist without the other?
  2. What makes laws unpopular? What makes a law easy or hard to obey?
  3. Why do some Christians teach that there is now no obligation to keep the commandments? Why do they only refer to the Sabbath commandment? What about the other commandments?
From Sabbath to Sunday
  1. Why do Christians want to believe that the Sabbath has been changed to Sunday? 
  2. How much can the church amend doctrines to suit changing times and place? 
  3. How important is it to keep the particular day God appointed? Can a country dictate the day of worship such as in Nepal where every single Christian denomination has to worship only on Saturday?
The Seventh-day in the New Testament
  1. Did Jesus choose to be in the grave on Sabbath or was that a coincidence?
  2. Why was Sabbath-keeping still important to the disciples even when Jesus was dead? Would embalming Jesus the "Lord of the Sabbath" have been excusable on Sabbath? 
  3. Is it okay for us to gather by a riverside or meet in homes or rooms for Sabbath worship like the disciples did, instead of going to church? 
The Attempted Change of the Sabbath
  1. If you had authority to change a commandment which one would you change, and why?
  2. Why do Protestants who do not believe in the authority of the Pope still observe Sunday as the Sabbath?
  3. Why is the Sabbath commandment such an irritant for Satan? Which other commandments could he hate as much?