The Universality of the Gospel
- Do those nations, tongues and peoples who hear the everlasting and universal gospel have an advantage over those who have missed hearing it?
- Why has God entrusted the spread of the gospel to unreliable human beings?
- Is spreading the gospel of more benefit to those hearing it or those imparting it?
The Thief on the Cross and the Everlasting Gospel
- What leads people to a career of theft? Why is stealing wrong?
- What kinds of activities are included in theft? In what ways might modern people fbe guilty of theft in everyday life?
- What kind of characters did the thieves on the cross display prior to the one asking Jesus to save him? What made Jesus so willing to save him?
Fear God and Give Glory to Him
- What is the difference between being afraid of God and "fearing" Him? What is the relationship between "fearing" God and giving Him glory?
- Why do several Bible texts (such as Job1:1) connect "fearing God" with obeying Him and "shunning evil?" What does it accomplish if a person avoids sin?
- Why would Bible writers use the term "fear" for one who obeys God?
The Hour of His Judgment is Come
- In the judgment are humans the defendants (accused), or the plaintiffs (accuser), neither, or both?
- In the judgment do we have to plead guilty or not guilty?
- When will/did the judgment begin and when will it end?
Worship the One Who Made the Heavens and the Earth
- What did the angel mean when he qualified God as the creator?
- Do Adventists truly keep the Sabbath as a memorial of creation? Is it necessary to think of creation on the Sabbath?
- Why does God wish humans to remember that He created them and the whole world?