Back in Lystra
- Once members are converted whose responsibility is it to keep them from backsliding?
- Why is Jewish descent through the mother rather than the father?
- Was Paul a hypocrite for having Timothy circumcised against his own beliefs?
- How can one know whether is it God closing doors or the devil?
- Is it wrong to spend Sabbath in nature or at home, when there is a church nearby?
- Why did Paul not accept the earthquake and the open doors as a sign that God was rescuing them from jail?
- Was Paul manifesting an ego problem when he demanded that the magistrates come personally to escort them out of prison?
- Why didn't Paul reveal his Roman citizenship at the time of beating rather than when he was being released from jail?
Thessalonica and Berea
- What is accomplished by beating leaders of religious groups? What effect does it have on the religious group?
- Why do prominent women join a religious group? Why could they not arrange for protection of Paul and Silas?
- Why did Paul insist on preaching in synagogues when he kept getting beaten for it?
- What made the Berean Jews so much more susceptible to the gospel?
Paul in Athens
- What are some dangers in adapting the gospel to a local culture? What are the boundaries for contextualization?
- Why is an idol called an image? Why is God against being worshipped through representations?
- What could the Greeks have meant by the term "unknown god?"
Paul in Corinth
- What are the advantages of requiring clergy to earn their own keep through some trade?
- Can pastors have a side business?
- Should husband-wife team ministry be encouraged?
- Should pastors' wives be paid a stipend so they do not have to have a job of their own?