The Point at Issue
- What impelled Judaizers to go around churches compelling converts to observe the Mosaic law? What was their motive?
- Was it wrong for early Christians to observe aspects of the Ceremonial Law?
- What kind of people today can be equated with those Judaizers?
- What is similar in the God-believer relationship to a husband-wife relationship that a local marriage sign (circumcision) was adapted to identify believers?
- Would Jesus have been circumcised if he had a choice?
- Why did Jesus choose to be baptized? Does one have to be baptized into a denomination to be saved? If a person asked an Adventist pastor to baptize him/her, but who did not wish to join the denomination, what should the pastor do?
The Debate
- Is circumcision a doctrinal issue?
- Should doctrinal issues be settled by votes such as in a committee or a council?
- How was the debate in Jerusalem brought to a close?
- What lent the conclusion enough weight that it was not challenged?
- Should the chairman always have the last word?
- Why did Paul not enforce the "food offered to idols" part while happily accepting the "circumcision" part?
The Apostolic Decree
- Were the dietary restrictions imposed by the Council a compromise with the Judaizers?
- Why did Paul allow converts to eat food offered to idols when the Council clearly forbade that?
- Should Christians today restrict themselves to Kosher meat which has the blood drained properly?
- If the dietary restrictions were temporary what makes the laws on fornication still binding?
The Letter from Jerusalem
- How is authority in the church determined after the passing away of the apostles?
- How well would the Judaizers have received the decree? Why did the decree not cause a split in the church?
- Why do people have different opinions in the church? Does the Holy Spirit speak differently to different people?