Before Felix
- Is it okay for a Christian to go to court in order to get justice? Does it make any difference if the accused is a Christian or not?
- How should a Christian respond to a lawyer who misrepresents the truth?
- What does the Bible say about giving and receiving bribes? Are both in the same bracket?
Before Festus
- Why were Roman rulers anxious to please the Jews? Why could Paul not trust the Jewish leaders? What was the attitude of the Jewish Christian leaders to Paul? Were they helpful or not?
- Was it worth two years of Paul's suffering in Caesarea to have an opportunity to witness to Felix and Festus?
- Does delay in court decisions benefit the plaintiff or the defendant?
Before Agrippa
- Why would King Agrippa come to pay respects to the governor Festus? Who was more powerful?
- How is it possible for young kings who are still minors to command loyalty from older statesmen?
- Why is it wrong for a Agrippa to marry his sister?
Paul's Defense
- Why did Paul repeatedly mention his Pharisaical background? Was he proud of that?
- How much did others believe Paul's report of his conversion experience on the road to Damascus when he described it to them?
- Should governments permit or ban conversion?
Paul Before the Leaders
- What is incompatible between immortality of the soul and the idea of resurrection?
- Why did Agrippa feel that one cannot become Christian in such a short time?
- Why was it not possible to free Paul once he had appealed to Caesar? Had Paul made a mistake in appealing to Caesar?