
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Lesson 1 (Dec 29-Jan 4), The Gospel from Patmos

The Title of the Book
  1. What is the relationship of a book's title to its contents? Which is more important for a hymn, its title or first line?
  2. Can the preposition "of" signify both "about" and "belonging to" in the same context?
  3. If the book of Revelation did not have a title what would you title it?
The Purpose of the Book
  1. How do we know if a prophecy is fulfilled or is yet to be fulfilled?
  2. Does the book only reveal the future or anything of the past too?
  3. Why do people wish to know about the future which cannot be controlled or changed?
The Symbolic Language of Revelation
  1. Why would God want to tell us about the future? Why would He do it in symbols rather than plainly to remove all doubts and distortions regarding time and place, etc? Or is it intentionally shrouded so as to have variable application?
  2. How can one know what symbols mean?
  3. Are the events described in Revelation described in symbols to be understood as real or imaginary?
The Godhead
  1. Is there room to understand God the Father and Jesus as one and the same person (such as Jesus' saying "If you have seen me you have seen the Father)?
  2. Is the Holy Spirit more "spirit" and therefore more omnipresent than the Father or Jesus?
  3. Why is "love" associated with the Father, "grace" with Jesus and "fellowship" with the Holy Spirit?
The Keynote of Revelation
  1. What does the change in wording of the Adventist fundamental belief in the second coming from "imminent" to "near" mean, if anything?
  2. Are Adventists living in a delusion about the second coming being in one's lifetime?
  3. If you could choose a name for our denomination would you still choose the same name or another one?

Monday, 24 December 2018

Lesson 13 (Dec 22-28), Final Restoration of Unity

The Certainty of Christ's Return

  1. Why do other Christian denominations besides Adventists not speak of the return of Jesus?
  2. Why did the Adventist church at the last GC session change the wording of our fundamental belief on the second coming from "Christ's coming is imminent" to "Christ's coming is near?" What difference does it make?
The Promise of Restoration
  1. What, if anything, does re-creation have in common with recreation? 
  2. Why does God want to bother restoring this world and its people?
Restoration and Restored Relationships
  1. Can one go to heaven who has problems with relationships on earth, or do those have to be addressed before one can go to heaven?
  2. What kinds of changes can one expect when this mortality puts on immortality?
A New Earth for the Redeemed
  1. If there had been no sin would humanity have been less diverse in terms of cultures and races?
  2. How much uniformity will the New Earth bring in through unity? How much diversity can we expect in heaven?
Life on the New Earth
  1. With so much time in eternity why can't we expect boredom and temptation again?
  2. What will drive compliance in heaven?

Monday, 17 December 2018

Lesson 12 (Dec 15-21), Church Organization and Unity

Christ the Head of the Church

  1. Did Paul intend to use the Christ-Church relationship to teach how husbands and wives should relate to each other or vice versa?
  2. How can Christ be literally the head of the church, when obviously humans make all the decisions?
Servant Leadership
  1. Is it practical for a leader to be like a servant? Can a servant be a leader?
  2. Why do humans wish to be leaders in the church? Is it wrong to aspire to church leadership?
Preserving Church Unity
  1. What holds a church denomination together?
  2. How do false leaders bring disunity into the church?
  3. Will forcing compliance bring unity or disunity to the church?
Church Discipline
  1. Why should the church discipline members? For what kinds of things should members be disciplined? 
  2. Is discipline in the church increasing or decreasing? What are reasons for that?
Organizing for Mission
  1. Is the gospel commission given to church administrators, to clergy or to members or different parts apply to different groups?
  2. Are women included in the gospel commission?

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Lesson 11 (Dec 8-14), Unity in Worship

Worshipping Our Creator and Redeemer

  1. What are the different emotions in "worship?" Why are some magistrates addressed "Your worship?" 
  2. Is worship a human response or is it a responsibility (requirement) ? 
False Worship
  1. Why does Satan want to be worshipped? Why do humans enjoy flattery?
  2. What do we mean when we refer to people "worshipping" money, fame, etc? Is that really worship?
  3. Why do some people wilfully worship Satan?
The First Angel's Message
  1. What is the connection between "fear" and "worship?" Can there be worship without fear?
  2.  Why is worship connected to creation? Why do some people resent having been created?
  3. Is it wrong to create people without their permission?
Bible Study and Fellowship
  1. What are the advantages of studying the Bible with others?
  2. What makes us think that we Adventists are "people of the book" more than other Christians?
  3. How can we know that we are interpreting the Bible correctly?
Breaking of Bread and Prayer
  1. Why did the disciples spend so much time eating together (daily)? 
  2. Should Adventists have potlucks more often? What holy purposes do our potlucks serve, if any?

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Lesson 10 (Dec 1-7), Unity and Broken Relationships

Restored Friendship

  1. If inspired leaders like Paul made mistakes of judgement, how can we know when to trust them?
  2. How can young pastors like John Mark know if they are fit for the ministry before spending years of preparation?
  3. Did Paul have to apologize to John Mark and Barnabas?
From Slave to Son
  1. Why didn't Paul condemn slavery outright and ask all Christians to release their slaves?
  2. Was Paul blackmailing Philemon by putting pressure on him to send Onesimus back to him?
Spiritual Gifts for Unity
  1. Are some kinds of competition okay for church--quizzes, temperance contests, preaching and singing competitions for children?
  2. How can we encourage the above without competitions?
  1. Is forgiving with words adequate even if we don't feel it in the heart? 
  2. Can we forgive even if the person who wronged us does not ask for forgiveness?
  3. If we don't forget does it mean we have not forgiven?
Restoration and Unity
  1. Why do we not bring personal problems before the church for discussion and consideration?
  2. Is the church too slow to discipline?
  3. If a person is not willing to reconcile, what does it mean?