Restored Friendship
- If inspired leaders like Paul made mistakes of judgement, how can we know when to trust them?
- How can young pastors like John Mark know if they are fit for the ministry before spending years of preparation?
- Did Paul have to apologize to John Mark and Barnabas?
From Slave to Son
- Why didn't Paul condemn slavery outright and ask all Christians to release their slaves?
- Was Paul blackmailing Philemon by putting pressure on him to send Onesimus back to him?
Spiritual Gifts for Unity
- Are some kinds of competition okay for church--quizzes, temperance contests, preaching and singing competitions for children?
- How can we encourage the above without competitions?
- Is forgiving with words adequate even if we don't feel it in the heart?
- Can we forgive even if the person who wronged us does not ask for forgiveness?
- If we don't forget does it mean we have not forgiven?
Restoration and Unity
- Why do we not bring personal problems before the church for discussion and consideration?
- Is the church too slow to discipline?
- If a person is not willing to reconcile, what does it mean?