
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Lesson 5 (Jan 26-Feb 1), The Seven Seals

The Opening of the First Seal

  1. What did the apostles accomplish that makes the early church eligible for the description in the opening of the first seal? In what way did they fulfil symbolism of white as purity? Of aggression represented by a bow? And of victory a crown?
  2. What did the early church do that can be labelled as conquering? What percentage of people converted would be expected to claim that a land was "conquered?"
The Second and Third Seals
  1. Why is so much bloodshed associated with religions? Why do religious people kill each other instead of reasoning calmly?
  2. Why does God allow His people to be killed?
  3. Why is black associated with evil, death, and things negative? Is there anything in the world positive associated with black?
  4. How does a kilo of wheat and three kilos of barley for a day's wages represent a famine?
The Scene of the Fourth Seal
  1. Why does God allow death of innocent people by sword, famine, and wild animals?
  2. If you had the keys of Hades and Death how would you use it? Whom would you want killed? What would that accomplish?
  3. What were the reasons for the Dark Ages in history?
The Opening of the Fifth Seal
  1. How is the killing in the fifth seal different from the killing in the fourth seal?
  2. When are "saints" given white robes? 
  3. Are good people ever expected to kill bad people, or are they to leave it to God?
The Opening of the Sixth Seal
  1. Since there have been so many huge and destructive earthquakes, how do we know which one is a fulfilment of this prediction?
  2. What might be the reasons why signs are given in one generation and the second coming happens several generations later?
  3. Why do the wicked ask the rocks and mountains to fall on them?

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Lesson 4 (Jan 19-25), Worthy is the Lamb

In the Heavenly Throne Room

  1. How is one to know when the Bible is to be taken literally or metaphorically, when the language is to be understood as literal or symbolic?
  2. Did Bible writers actually see a throne in heaven with God seated on it or is that just how they expressed it for our benefit?
The Heavenly Assembly in the Throne Room
  1. Why does John not continue to explain the meaning of symbols as he did for the seven churches?
  2. Does it make any difference what version of the Bible we use for the Book of Revelation?
  3. Is the interpretation of numbers such as 4 and 24 valid because it is reasonable or because it is biblical?
The Sealed Scroll
  1. What was in the sealed scroll that made it challenging to open?
  2. God the Father is omnipotent, so why couldn't even He open the sealed scroll?
Worthy is the Lamb
  1. Is the anthem "Blessing and honour glory and power be unto Him (the one on the throne) and unto the Lamb," evidence that the Lamb is equal to God the Father, or can it signify anything else?
  2. How can so many people sing a new song in unison? What makes it new?
The Significance of Pentecost
  1. Does the scene of Jesus at the right hand of the Father mean that He entered the Most Holy Place following His ascension?
  2. What does it mean that Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and earth? To do what?

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Lesson 3 (Jan 12-18), Jesus' Message to the Seven Churches

Christ's Message to Smyrna and Pergamom

  1. Why do some people want to persecute others who do not worship as they do? Are they always convinced that the victims are followers of Satan?
  2. Why does God allow his people to be persecuted even if for a few years or even at all?
  3. Do we have Balaams today? What would we expect them to do in our churches?
Christ's Message to Thyatira
  1. What works of charity, service and faith can my church be commended for?
  2. Do we have Jezebels in our churches today? How would we expect them to behave in our churches?
Christ's Message to Sardis
  1. Is my church more dead than alive? What are signs of life and death in my church?
  2. Who are such people who have not defiled their garments and are in white?
Christ's Message to Philadelphia
  1. What is involved in brotherly love? How much brotherly love is manifest in my church today?
  2. When does God want to shut the door?  Doesn't he wish for everyone to be saved?
Christians in Laodecia
  1. Why would any country, city or any individual refuse help, especially financial help in order to recover from any catastrophe?
  2. Why is the last church a negative picture? Won't there be a final revival among God's people who will wait for his coming eagerly? 

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Lesson 2 (Jan 5-11), Among the Lampstands

On Patmos

  1. Why would the Romans place John on an island?
  2. How was being in a place like Patmos conducive to the work God had for John?
  3. What would life be like on an island like Patmos? How might the revelations that John had received bring him comfort?
On the Lord's Day
  1. If John knew that the term "Lord's Day" would be interpreted as "Sunday" would he have plainly said "Sabbath instead?" Since God knew the future why didn't He tell John to write "Sabbath?"
  2. Why would God give a vision on a Sabbath? 
  3. Did John receive all of the book in one vision? If not why didn't he mention the other days he received visions?
John's Vision of Christ on Patmos
  1. Does the use of symbolic language make things clearer or less clear than literal language, or both?
  2. What does it mean for Christ to be walking around our church? What are the implications?
  3. In what way is Jesus the "first" and the "last?
Christ's Messages for Then and Now
  1. Why did God select the seven churches that He did for the book of Revelation?
  2. How well do those churches describe the history of Christianity? 
  3. Since those churches represent every age and every situation , how can we apply it to our situation?
Message to the Church in Ephesus
  1. On what basis do we judge the extent of wickedness of any city? 
  2. How is the level of faithfulness of church membership demonstrated?
  3. Is there always hope to rekindle a lost love?