On Patmos
- Why would the Romans place John on an island?
- How was being in a place like Patmos conducive to the work God had for John?
- What would life be like on an island like Patmos? How might the revelations that John had received bring him comfort?
On the Lord's Day
- If John knew that the term "Lord's Day" would be interpreted as "Sunday" would he have plainly said "Sabbath instead?" Since God knew the future why didn't He tell John to write "Sabbath?"
- Why would God give a vision on a Sabbath?
- Did John receive all of the book in one vision? If not why didn't he mention the other days he received visions?
John's Vision of Christ on Patmos
- Does the use of symbolic language make things clearer or less clear than literal language, or both?
- What does it mean for Christ to be walking around our church? What are the implications?
- In what way is Jesus the "first" and the "last?
Christ's Messages for Then and Now
- Why did God select the seven churches that He did for the book of Revelation?
- How well do those churches describe the history of Christianity?
- Since those churches represent every age and every situation , how can we apply it to our situation?
Message to the Church in Ephesus
- On what basis do we judge the extent of wickedness of any city?
- How is the level of faithfulness of church membership demonstrated?
- Is there always hope to rekindle a lost love?