The God of History
- How much of Nebuchadnezzar's madness should Beltshazzer have known? How could he make the same mistake of being too proud?
- Why was Cyrus so cooperative with God's plan? Did he have a choice?
- How can we explain the freedom of people like the betrayer and denyer in the light of the statement that "everyone has a place in God's plan?"
In Their Cities
- What is the purpose of Biblical genealogies?
- Should each of us be recording our genealogies? What do we discover by doing so?
- What is required to turn a life around so completely as the fortunes of Israel and Jerusalem?
Where Are the Priests?
- What are the advantages of having an inherited clergy?
- What were the options in Bible times for those other than Levites who wished to serve God?
- What are the options for those who feel called by God, but not by the church?
- Was it wrong for Jews to stay back in Babylon when the others returned as per the decree?
- Is it wrong to migrate to a country other than that which God caused us to be born in?
- How well did Judaism survive in Babylon?
Humbled Before God
- What kept Jews from escaping from Babylon before the 70 years were up?
- What occasions "drove out" certain Israelites from their country? Why would emigrants wish to return to their home country?
- How are we to know that we are reading the "signs of the times" right?
In the Holy City
- Would the returning Jews have preferred to live in Jerusalem or in the rural towns?
- Why was it necessary for some to occupy the city of Jerusalem?
- What are ways in which Adventists can reach out to those who live in India's cities?