
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Friday, 29 November 2019

Lesson 9 (Nov 23-29), Trials, Tribulations, And Lists

The God of History

  1. How much of Nebuchadnezzar's madness should Beltshazzer have known? How could he make the same mistake of being too proud?
  2. Why was Cyrus so cooperative with God's plan? Did he have a choice?
  3. How can we explain the freedom of people like the betrayer and denyer in the light of the statement that  "everyone has a place in God's plan?"
In Their Cities
  1. What is the purpose of Biblical genealogies?
  2. Should each of us be recording our genealogies? What do we discover by doing so?
  3. What is required to turn a life around so completely as the fortunes of Israel and Jerusalem?
Where Are the Priests?
  1. What are the advantages of having an inherited clergy?
  2. What were the options in Bible times for those other than Levites who wished to serve God?
  3. What are the options for those who feel called by God, but not by the church?
  4. Was it wrong for Jews to stay back in Babylon when the others returned as per the decree?
  5. Is it wrong to migrate to a country other than that which God caused us to be born in?
  6. How well did Judaism survive in Babylon?
Humbled Before God
  1. What kept Jews from escaping from Babylon before the 70 years were up?
  2. What occasions "drove out" certain Israelites from their country? Why would emigrants wish to return to their home country?
  3. How are we to know that we are reading the "signs of the times" right?
In the Holy City
  1. Would the returning Jews have preferred to live in Jerusalem or in the rural towns?
  2. Why was it necessary for some to occupy the city of Jerusalem?
  3. What are ways in which Adventists can reach out to those who live in India's cities?

Sunday, 17 November 2019

Lesson 8 (Nov 16-22), God and the Covenant

The Idea of the Covenant

  1. Why does God want to make a covenant with people? Why do people want to make a covenant with God? What would it be like if there was no covenant between God and humans?
  2. What evidence is there of a  covenant between God and the first family on earth?
  3. Why do the majority of people end up on the side of evil?
Covenants in History
  1. How can one tell if a covenant is not meant to be permanent? Has God made any temporary covenants?
  2. What indicates that a covenant has been terminated? 
  3. What do we understand by the term "old covenant?"
Covenantal Structure
  1.  When making a petition or prayer what are the advantages of following a "structure?" What are disadvantages? For example, what are the benefits and weaknesses of using the Lord's prayer as a template?
  2. What are advantages and/or disadvantages of using a template for covenants?
  3. What are the differences in covenants made between equals and between unequals?
  1. Is it always wrong to marry outside the faith? Aren't there some worse people within the church?
  2. Should pledges precede or follow grace?
  3. Why does God want us to support the church financially when He has all the resources He needs?
The Temple
  1. Why is it beneficial to have a dedicated structure in which to worship?
  2. Why does the Adventist church generally require a structure to be debt free before it can be dedicated?
  3. Are there any valid reasons why one may cease to give offerings to the church?

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Lesson 7 (Nov 9-15), Our Forgiving God

Fasting and Worship

  1. How responsible are children for the sins of their fathers? Why did the Israelites need to repent for their ancestors' sins?
  2. To what extent were children rewarded or punished for the actions of their parents in the history of Israel?
  3. How does the Holy Spirit help those who read the Bible?
Beginning of the Prayer
  1. How should prayers begin and why?
  2. What makes Abraham father of those who have faith when he failed to trust God to protect him and his wife?
  3. Why is the doctrine of creation so important to our faith?
Lessons from the Past
  1. Why is confession of sin important? How does conceding the sin of long past ancestors help?
  2. What comes first, confession or repentance? 
  3. What lessons does one learn from past experiences of confession?
The Law and the Prophets
  1. Why do people forget God during periods of plenty?
  2. Why does God give gifts that make people fat?
  3. In what ways is it a blessing to have and know God's law?
  4. Is the law enough for salvation? How necessary is it to have prophets?
Praise and Petition
  1. How important is it to plan a prayer? Are prayers especially those to be said in public in church better read or delivered from the heart spontaneously?
  2. Is it better to be a servant or a slave of God?
  3. Why do people place their petition at the end of a prayer instead of getting straight to the point?

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Lesson 6 (Nov 2-8), The Reading of the Word

What were the advantages in Nehemiah appointing his own brother as governor of Jerusalem? What were the disadvantages?

The People Gather

  1. What benefits are there from a public reading of God's word over a private reading? How necessary is it to hear the actual words when the audience is the whole city and the meeting outdoors?
  2. What contribution to faith does a festival make? How can one ensure that faith endures during festivities?
  3. What does it mean for "all the people to assemble as one person?" How does that happen?
Reading and Hearing the Law
  1. What is so interesting about the "law" that the people would listen for half a day?
  2. What other parts of the Old Testament would have existed at that time and why would the law be preferred for reading that day?
  3. How often does one need to hear the law? How would hearing in those days compare with hearing today?
Reading and Interpreting the Word
  1. How much can the Bible be understood by plain reading? What are necessary tools for understanding the Bible better?
  2. What advantages does the printed Word have over the digital versions? What advantages do the digital Bibles have over the printed ones? Why do we use the word "scroll" with smart screens?
  3. How much can we trust preachers today to give the correct interpretation of the Bible? 
The People's Response
  1. Why did the people mourn and weep as the law was being read? Why did the leaders tell the people not to mourn?
  2. How responsible were the people for their failure to have observed the law in their personal lives, and for the nation?
  3. What makes Christianity arguably the happiest of all religions?
The Joy of the Lord
  1. What is different in the strength that comes from joy and the strength that comes from fear?
  2.  What is suggested by the fact that the heads of families assembled again with the leaders to hear the Word once more the next day?
  3. Considering that the people were almost wholly younger people who were not the ones taken into exile, or who had needed to be punished, what could have been their attitude to God's law?