Fasting and Worship
- How responsible are children for the sins of their fathers? Why did the Israelites need to repent for their ancestors' sins?
- To what extent were children rewarded or punished for the actions of their parents in the history of Israel?
- How does the Holy Spirit help those who read the Bible?
Beginning of the Prayer
- How should prayers begin and why?
- What makes Abraham father of those who have faith when he failed to trust God to protect him and his wife?
- Why is the doctrine of creation so important to our faith?
Lessons from the Past
- Why is confession of sin important? How does conceding the sin of long past ancestors help?
- What comes first, confession or repentance?
- What lessons does one learn from past experiences of confession?
The Law and the Prophets
- Why do people forget God during periods of plenty?
- Why does God give gifts that make people fat?
- In what ways is it a blessing to have and know God's law?
- Is the law enough for salvation? How necessary is it to have prophets?
Praise and Petition
- How important is it to plan a prayer? Are prayers especially those to be said in public in church better read or delivered from the heart spontaneously?
- Is it better to be a servant or a slave of God?
- Why do people place their petition at the end of a prayer instead of getting straight to the point?