Tainted Temple Leadership
- Was the law (Deut 23:3) to prevent Ammonites and Moabites up to the tenth generation, from entering the congregation of Israelites unfair? Did this mean that the eleventh generation could? How did Ruth the Moabitess manage?
- What evidence is there that Tobiah was a threat to Israel's religion?
- Why do people forget their initial spiritual fervor?
The Levites in the Fields
- What is the advantage of having a paid clergy over having volunteers care for the spiritual needs of the family?
- How much can one person do to reform the church today?
- What could Israel do about a corrupt priest/high priest who held office because of birthright?
- What makes us think that the system of support for the priests in the OT times applies to our churches today?
- Could the church be supported as well as it is through offerings alone as it is through tithe?
- How does Tithing aid in spirituality and relationship with God?
Treading the Winepress on Sabbath
- Is physical restraint such as locking doors the best way to enforce Sabbath keeping? Why did Nehemiah resort to closing the gates of the city?
- Would extracting juice from fruit be wrong if it was for consumption for that day only?
- Under what circumstances if any might it be okay to buy on Sabbath?
Did Not Your Fathers Do This
- How would closing the gates help in keeping the Sabbath?
- What was the response of Jesus to the strict observance of the Sabbath in His day?
- Did Jesus mean to say that justice, mercy and faith supercede the law, or are only equal to it?