Why is pride so abhorrent to God?
Is Not This Babylon the Great
- Since the king related his dream of the great tree, why couldn't the wise men conjure up an interpretation?
- Knowing the dream what interpretation would you have given?
- Seeing that the wise men were helpless with his previous dream, why did Nechadnezzar bother to consult the wise men again?
Warned by the Prophet
- What gave Daniel enough courage to warn the king? What were the chances that the king would punish Daniel for presuming to warn him?
- What was the connection between the great tree of the dream and the poor and the needy of the country?
- How could aiding the poor and need address the matter of the king's pride? Could such activity solve the problem of pride in a person today?
The Most High Rules
- What significance, if any, is there in the twelve months that passes between the dream and its fulfilment?
- Was the fulfilment of the dream inevitable or could it have been averted?
- How could the king have survived in the wild for seven years?
Lifting Eyes Toward Heaven
- Was the lifting of the eyes to heaven literal or figurative?
- Why do you think God interfered with Nebuchadnezzar so much? Does He do that with other kings too?
- Did seven years have to pass before the king's restoration or could it have been earlier or later?
Humble and Grateful
- Is a person born with humility or does one have to cultivate it?
- How can one cultivate humility?
- Are there things one can boast about without falling into pride?