Would it have been better for the three Hebrews to have reported sick rather than go the place of testing?
The Golden Image
The Golden Image
- How can we know when a dream is from God?
- On what basis do we claim that Nebuchadnezzar constructed the image fully of gold to counter the image of his dream which had only the head of gold?
- Was the image of gold a result of the pride of Nebuchadnezzar?
- Why would the king have wanted everyone to bow down before the image? What would that signify?
The Call to Worship
- Why did the king make a provision for a furnace? Whom could he have had in mind?
- Why were musical instruments involved in the call to worship?
- What if any is the connection of the image to the number 666? Are we justified in associating Babylon with the number?
The Test of Fire
- What could have been the objective of the whole exercise at the plain of Dura with the image?
- Would it have been wrong for the three Hebrews to bow down in front of the image and pray to their God Yahweh privately?
- Why couldn't the Hebrews explain their allegiance to the King despite not bowing before the image?
The Fourth Man
- Why do you think God decided to join the Hebrews in the fire besides keeping them from getting burnt?
- How could the king have felt that the fourth person looked like the son of God?
- Why does God allow some martyrs to die while delivering others?
The Secret of Such a Faith
- How do some develop such a strong faith while others fail?
- Would God have forgiven anyone for bowing before the image to save their lives, if they repented afterwards?
- Where was Daniel?