
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Lesson 9 (Feb 22-28), From Contamination to . . .

The Ram and the Goat

  1. What are the differences between a ram and a goat? What are the similarities? 
  2. What could be the reason the two of them being mentioned together are restricted to the Day of Atonement setting?
  3. Why is the ram pushing in all directions except east?
  4. Why does the angel specify which are the empires and kingdoms in this vision and not in Dan 2?
The Rise of the Little Horn

  1. Why is it important to understand the directions in which the Little Horn is moving?
  2. How do we know the Little Horn of this chapter is the same as the Little Horn in Dan 7?
  3. What is this "pleasant" or "glorious" land? Why is the direction not a point on the compass?
The Attack on the Sanctuary

  1. How do we know what "hosts" or "stars" represent?
  2. Why do we say that "Michael" is Jesus?
  3. What all went on everyday in the earthly Sanctuary and what could that represent in the ministry of the heavenly?
The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
  1. How do we know that the cleansing has to take place in heaven? Why didn't William Miller realise that?
  2. Why should the heavenly sanctuary need cleansing?
  3. Why does some blood pollute and some cleanse?
The Prophetic Timetable
  1. How do we know that the 2300 days is symbolic and not literal?
  2. On what basis do we use the time scale one day is equal to one year and not another such as one day is equal to one week or month?
  3. Is the vision of the 2300 days positive or negative?

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Lesson 8 (Feb 15-21), From the Stormy Sea to

Four Animals

  1. Was Daniel 7 a dream or a vision? What is the difference?
  2. How can a superior kingdom be defeated by an inferior one?
  3. Why do you think God used familiar animals in the beginning and an unfamiliar one at the end?
The Little Horn
  1. Why do we say the animals represent kingdoms when the angel plainly says they represent kings? Is there any difference?
  2. What is the connection between the fourth beast and the Little Horn? On what basis do we claim that both are Rome?
  3. Is there just one fulfilment of the Little Horn or are there many?
The Court was Seated
  1. From the sequence in the dream how can we tell when the court scene will begin?
  2. On what basis do we claim that this is the great judgement of all humanity?
  3. How can we tell which parts of the dream/vision are literal and which are symbolic?
The Coming of the Son of Man
  1. Why is Jesus described as the Son of Man rather than as the Son of God?
  2. How do we know that this Son of Man is not a human being?
  3. Why is God referred to as the "Ancient of Days?" How is that epithet significant in this context?
The Holy Ones of the Most High
  1. On what basis can human beings be called "holy ones" or "saints?"
  2. Practically who in your area can be expected to persecute God's people?
  3. How easy is it to convince people of our interpretation Daniel and Revelation?

Monday, 10 February 2020

Lesson 7 (Feb 8-14), From the Lions' Den to the . . .

Jealous Souls
  1. What comes first, jealousy or pride?
  2. Was it the king's fault that the other administrators became jealous of Daniel?
  3. What could have given the impression that Daniel feared God more than he did the king?
  4. How can one keep from getting jealous or from coveting?
The Plot Against Daniel
  1. What could the other administrators have gained by getting rid of Daniel? Would they have succeeded if the lions had killed Daniel?
  2. Why would any country or organization have such a policy against changing laws?
  3. Why did the king respect Daniel more than he did the other administrators?
  4. How can we earn similar respect in our current work places as Daniel did in the king's court?
Daniel's Prayer
  1. If Daniel had alerted the king to the problem could some provision have been made for him?
  2. Would it have been a sin for Daniel to pray with his windows closed?
  3. How should we respond when the sunday law is passed?
In the Lions' Den
  1. What did the king mean when he referred to Daniel "serving the Lord continually?"
  2. What made the administrators thing that captives were second class citizens? Were they justified in feeling superior?
  3. Why do some Christians have the attitude that they are more deserving that recent converts?
  4. Why did Jesus tell the parable of equal pay? Don't those who start work earlier deserve more pay?
  5. What are similar situations today in which we might be like Darius enjoying ego boosts?
  1. Why does history not record the conversion of the entire nation of Babylon?
  2. What is God's attitude to punishment of wives and children for the sins of men?
  3. Why does God permit some faithful to perish and others to be spared?

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Lesson 6 (Feb 1-7), From Arrogance to

Belshazzer's Feast

  1. Why do you think Belshazzer desired to drink from the temple vessels?
  2. Why do you think God permitted those vessels to be looted from the temple in Jerusalem?
  3. What made Babylon a symbol of opposition to God's people when they were surrounded by other enemies?
An Uninvited Guest
  1. Why did God prefer to communicate through riddles and codes to the King rather than writing clearly?
  2. How could no Babylonian attempt to interpret the writing on the wall?
  3. What made the king believe the interpretation that Daniel gave?
Enter the Queen
  1. Why was Daniel not called in the first place? Why was he absent from the party?
  2. Do prophets ever retire from prophesying?
  3. Why didn't the king and all the people not realize that God was punishing them for defiling sacred vessels?
Weighed and Found Wanting
  1. Since the words written were easy to read and understand, why couldn't people guess what it meant?
  2. Why was it important to God to inform Belshazzer of impending doom?
  3. Does God always punish those who defile sacred things?
The Fall of Babylon
  1. What made the fall of Babylon of greater import than the fall of Assyria, Syria, Edom and other nations?
  2. Why did Daniel accept the rewards for his interpreting?
  3. Does God always send warnings before punishing a person?