The Ram and the Goat
- What are the differences between a ram and a goat? What are the similarities?
- What could be the reason the two of them being mentioned together are restricted to the Day of Atonement setting?
- Why is the ram pushing in all directions except east?
- Why does the angel specify which are the empires and kingdoms in this vision and not in Dan 2?
- Why is it important to understand the directions in which the Little Horn is moving?
- How do we know the Little Horn of this chapter is the same as the Little Horn in Dan 7?
- What is this "pleasant" or "glorious" land? Why is the direction not a point on the compass?
- How do we know what "hosts" or "stars" represent?
- Why do we say that "Michael" is Jesus?
- What all went on everyday in the earthly Sanctuary and what could that represent in the ministry of the heavenly?
The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
- How do we know that the cleansing has to take place in heaven? Why didn't William Miller realise that?
- Why should the heavenly sanctuary need cleansing?
- Why does some blood pollute and some cleanse?
The Prophetic Timetable
- How do we know that the 2300 days is symbolic and not literal?
- On what basis do we use the time scale one day is equal to one year and not another such as one day is equal to one week or month?
- Is the vision of the 2300 days positive or negative?