The Centrality of God's Word
- Was Daniel presumptuous in assuming that the fall of Babylon meant freedom for his people or did the prophecy say that?
- Is there anything significant about the number 70? Could God have ended the captivity earlier?
- Can prophecies be understood and interpreted only by another prophet?
- Was Daniel's confession a condition for the captivity to end?
- How effective is a leader's confession on behalf of the people?
- Does God do things so that His name will be honoured?
The Value of Intercession
- Was Daniel right or wrong to include himself in the sins/guilt of his people?
- What is the value of intercessory prayer? Could Moses save his people by giving up his right to life?
- What is the value of parents praying for an unbelieving child?
- What is the value of prayer before an exam, or before setting out on a trip?
The Work of the Messiah
- How does forgiveness make an "end to sin?"
- Why can remission be accomplished only by the shedding of blood?
- What does it mean to "seal up a vision?"
The Prophetic Calendar
- How do we know that the year-day principle has to be applied to the 2300 day prophecy?
- How do we know that the 2300 day prophecy has the same starting date as the 70 week prophecy?
- Does probation close for the Jews at the end of the 70 week prophecy?