The Divine Revelation of the Bible
- Why did God wait so long (till Moses) to give humans the Bible?
- Apart from what the Bible says, how can we know that the Bible is from God?
- What do we mean by men being "moved by the Holy Spirit?"
The Process of Inspiration
- Is the Bible inspired or were the writers inspired? What difference does it make?
- Why do we claim to believe in "thought" inspiration? How is it superior to "verbal" inspiration?
- Was inspiration necessary even for Bible history, poetry, etc, or only for prophecy?
- Has science made any part of the Bible unreliable?
The Written Word of God
- What is the advantage of the written word over the spoken word?
- What are the advantages of an alphabetic script over picture writing for communicating spiritual matters? What is picture writing best suited for?
- What would be God's criteria in selecting persons to write the Bible?
The Parallel Between Christ and the Bible
- Did Jesus have to take human nature as during his lifetime or the nature of unfallen Adam?
- Why didn't God give us the Bible written with his own writing as in the Ten Commandments?
- Is the physical Bible to be revered? What about e-Bibles?
- How much of a disadvantage is it to read a translation?
Understanding the Bible in Faith
- Is it necessary to pray before reading the Bible?
- Is it possible to understand the Bible without the presence of the Holy Spirit?
- Is there any difference in how a musician is inspired and a Bible writer is?
- Does a sceptic have a disadvantage or advantage in approaching the Bible?