
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Lesson 5 (July 25-31), Spirit Empowered

Jesus and the Promise of the Holy Spirit

Why should we use the pronoun "He" for the Holy Spirit when the term in Hebrew is feminine in form? Why don't we use the neuter "it?"

  1. Why did Jesus tell the disciples that it was to their advantage for Him to go to heaven and for the Holy Spirit to be with them?
  2. Would the disciples have preferred to have Jesus stay with them?
  3. Wasn't the Holy Spirit on earth all along? What would be different now?
  4. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in witnessing?
An Empowered Church
  1. What would the apostolic period have been like without the Holy Spirit?
  2. Is it possible for us to have that same experience today or was that special?
  3. Is there any difference or similarity in the thousands who were baptized in a single day in the time of the apostles compared with the thousands who are baptized in one day nowadays?
The Holy Spirit and Witnessing
  1. How did the Holy Spirit help Stephen when he was being stoned?
  2. How can the Holy Spirit guide the church to people(s) that are specifically searching for truth
  3. What is holding back the Holy Spirit from uniting the church?
The Holy Spirit, The Word, and Witnessing
  1. Should all sermons be Biblical?
  2. Can a non-Adventist have the Holy Spirit and can such be invited to preach in our churches?
  3. What is the evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work?
The Life-transforming Power of the Holy Spirit
  1. How did the Holy Spirit overcome cultural barriers in the early church?
  2. Does the Holy Spirit use women to witness in Bible times and today?
  3. Is it possible for a low-class person to reach the higher classes or does it require a high-class person to witness to them?

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Lesson 4 (July 18-24), Prayer Power

A Cosmic Struggle

  1. How important is any one individual in the battle between good and evil that is going on in the universe?
  2. What can one do to ensure he/she is on the right side of the battle going on?
  3. How does it help if one prays for an unbelieving relative or friend?
Jesus-The Mighty Intercessor
  1. Did Jesus spend most of His time praying for himself or for others?
  2. How much difference does it make whether I am good or bad, when I pray on behalf of other people? Will God listen to my prayer more readily if I am a good person?
  3. Why might praying on behalf of others every day be more effective than doing it off and on?
Paul's Intercessory Prayers
  1. Why did Paul pray for people he had helped convert? Why should a pastor pray for people already in his church?
  2.  How might it help if we tell a person we are praying for him/her?
  3. What kind of prayer should one pray for a person he/she does not like?
Unseen Powers at Work
  1. Did Daniel's prayer help bring about the end of the Babylonian captivity? How did it help for Daniel to pray about that?
  2. Why would Satan have wanted the Jews to remain in Babylon?
  3. Was Daniel interested in the fulfilment of God's purposes for the salvation of mankind or just for his people to go back to their homeland? 
Prayer Focus
  1. Is it a sin to not pray for others?
  2. Is it possible that someone might be lost because we did not pray for them?
  3. How does it help if I agree to pray for someone because they have an exam or interview coming, or for their new home, or when they are starting out on a journey?

Sunday, 12 July 2020

Lesson 3 (July 11-17), Seeing People Through

The Second Touch

  1. Why do you think most sick people were brought to Jesus by a friend rather than come on their own alone?
  2. Do more people today come to Jesus on their own or are they introduced by a friend?
  3. Why do you think Jesus did not heal the blind man immediately? What purpose was served by the delay?
A Lesson in Acceptance
  1. What would be the equivalent of "Samaritans"--a group looked down upon, in your area?
  2. What in the Samaritan woman could have demonstrated that she needed Jesus?
  3. Since there are so many unentered areas how should we prioritise which areas to evangelise first?
Begin Where You Are
  1. Why would people prefer to be a missionary in a foreign land rather than in their home town?
  2. How much does one need to know about the Bible before witnessing to others?
  3. Why does it seem harder to convert family members than strangers? 
Dealing With Difficult People
  1. What kind of person would you consider difficult to witness to?
  2. How long should we persist with a difficult person before giving up and going to seek another?
  3. How can a difficult person be brought to Jesus?
Sensing Providential Opportunities
  1. What do you think Paul meant by "a door was opened for him?"
  2. Should we wait for doors to open before witnessing?
  3. How can we discover open doors?

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Lesson 2 (July 4-10), Winsome Witnesses


  1. How readily do people tackle a demon possessed person?
  2. Can a demon be cast out in any other way other than the name of Jesus?
  3. What was accomplished by allowing the demons to enter the herd of swine?
Proclaiming the Risen Christ
  1. Why were the guards so terrified of the angel who appeared like lightening to roll away the stone of Jesus tomb, but the women who saw him unimpressed by the same angel?
  2. Why did the women fleeing from the tomb trembling and astonished say nothing to anyone except for Mary Magdalene?
  3. Why did the mourning disciples not believe Mary?
Changed Lives Make a Difference
  1. Was there a difference in recognizing that Peter had been with Jesus the night before the Crucifixion compared with after the resurrection?
  2. How can one tell whether a person really believes what he or she is preaching?
  3. Can one whose life has not been markedly changed also preach effectively?
Sharing Our Experiences
  1. Why is a personal testimony so effective?
  2. What are some things can a person tell about as a personal testimony?
  3. Is it true that a person shy to witness is a selfish person?
 The Power of a Personal Testimony
  1. What made Paul a person in chains and who had suffered so much to be admired?
  2. Why did Festus accuse Paul of being mad?
  3. What brought Agrippa close to being persuaded and what held him back?