The Second Touch
- Why do you think most sick people were brought to Jesus by a friend rather than come on their own alone?
- Do more people today come to Jesus on their own or are they introduced by a friend?
- Why do you think Jesus did not heal the blind man immediately? What purpose was served by the delay?
A Lesson in Acceptance
- What would be the equivalent of "Samaritans"--a group looked down upon, in your area?
- What in the Samaritan woman could have demonstrated that she needed Jesus?
- Since there are so many unentered areas how should we prioritise which areas to evangelise first?
Begin Where You Are
- Why would people prefer to be a missionary in a foreign land rather than in their home town?
- How much does one need to know about the Bible before witnessing to others?
- Why does it seem harder to convert family members than strangers?
Dealing With Difficult People
- What kind of person would you consider difficult to witness to?
- How long should we persist with a difficult person before giving up and going to seek another?
- How can a difficult person be brought to Jesus?
Sensing Providential Opportunities
- What do you think Paul meant by "a door was opened for him?"
- Should we wait for doors to open before witnessing?
- How can we discover open doors?