The Fate of the Dead
- What evidence or logic is there if any, that there is life after death?
- Why would God want to allow humans to live forever?
- If there is no life after death, is it worth being "good?"
- Why will there be a new heaven along with a new earth?
- Why are tears wiped away only in the New Earth and not in Heaven?
- How easy is it to have assurance of being in the New Earth?
Then Shall We Know
- Will we ever run out of new things to learn in the earth made new?
- Will we remember everything we learn in the New Earth?
- How will we learn in the New Earth?
The School in the Hereafter
- How might it be possible to learn things without a microscope or telescope?
- Why does Rev 21:1, 2 say there will there be no sea in the New Earth?
- Will we need a teacher in the hereafter?
The Great Teacher
- What qualified a person to use the term "Rabbi?"
- What qualities does a teacher need to have to be successful?
- What did Satan mean when he told Eve she could be like God if she ate the fruit of the forbidden tree? Was it a lie?
- Does one learn better inside a classroom or outside?