End of Gloom for Galilee
- Why do so many people consult spirit mediums? How accurate are they? Is consulting weekly horoscopes evil?
- How much difference does it make as to which place Jesus began his ministry? Why was it in the Galilee area? Was it by chance or by design?
- How do people get possessed by the devil?
A Child for Us
- Is the child of Isa 9:6, 7 the same one as Immanuel or a different one?
- What are the indications that this one upon whose shoulders is placed the government, is not a human king?
- Can this prophecy have more than one fulfillment, and if so what are the options? If not, why not?
The Rod of God's Anger
- Why did God persist with Israel for so long, enduring their repeated failures and punishing them again and again?
- What were the most serious sins of Israel?
- Does God punish people today for sin? Is suffering an indication of sin in a person's life?
Root and Branch in One
- Why do we use the term "Family Tree?"
- What is the difference, if any between "shoot," and "branch?"
- How is David as the "root of Jesse" also the ancestor of Jesus?
- Why does Isaiah combine elements of the first advent with that of the second and third advents?
You Comforted Me
- How truly was the Lord "our Salvation" before Jesus's incarnation?
- When is "that day" which is mentioned several times Isaiah 12 when the Lord becomes our salvation?
- What is the meaning of the term "Holy One of Israel?"