Is the apostolic church the correct model for the form of worship today? (Wasn’t the church in that era evangelistic?) Is there an ideal format for worship or does the ideal change according to time and location? How much has the format of Adventist worship adjusted to situation?
Many Proofs
1. The personality of the disciples at Pentecost was a far cry from that which they displayed at the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus. What were reasons that contributed to this drastic change in them?
2. Observe the women and the disciples at the tomb: Why were they so slow to comprehend that Jesus had risen from the dead?
3. Even after the disciples accepted the fact of the risen Savior, why was there no attempt to preach till Pentecost weeks later?
The Preaching of the Word
1. Why is it that in many parts of the world public evangelism is giving way to personal evangelism? Are we missing anything because of this?
2. Why do many members prefer the conversational style of preaching to the “evangelistic” style?
3. Can we and should we have the “Spirit” of Pentecost in our worship services?
4. Do we have anything to learn from the worship of Pentecostals?
Paul on Mars Hill
1. How appropriate is it to quote uninspired sources in sermons?
2. How wise or unwise is it to use illustrations from non-Christian mythology?
3. Paul used logic and reason but did not have much success. Why does emotional appeal often bring more results than logic and reason?
Worship Contrary to the Law
1. Was it necessary for Christianity to be a new religion? Could it have dovetailed Judaism?
2. When is it necessary for an “offshoot” to separate?
3. Why were the Jews so blind to see Christ as the fulfillment of all they were hoping for?
Love Conquers All
1. What is the relationship between love and worship? Does my dislike for anyone in the church affect my worship?
2. How do others come into the picture of worship which is between you and God?
3. Jesus instruct hearers (Matt 5:23) to leave their gifts and make things right with persons who had aught against them before proceeding with giving their offering. Does that apply only to the giving of offerings or even to other aspects of worship?