Christ Has Set Us Free
1. What is the difference in being a slave to the law and being a servant of Christ?
2. What are the differences between bondage to the law and bondage to sin?
3. How would you feel about a person freed from jail who because he could not handle freedom, desired to go back to the familiar life of prison?
The Nature of Freedom
1. Are those who are free really free?
2. Are there limits to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc.? Why or why not?
3. Is there something in my life enslaving me? How badly do I desire freedom from it?
The Dangerous Consequences of Legalism
1. Are we Adventists happy with our tag of “people obsessed with the law?”
2. Would it be better to be known as “people of love and compassion?”
3. Is it possible to be both?
4. Why wouldn’t God appreciate a slavish servitude to keeping His law?
Liberty Not Licentiousness
1. Why would God not appreciate a generous use of His grace by people not bothered to keep the law?
2. How does freedom from bad habits affect our relationship to others?
Fulfilling the Whole Law
1. Is it necessary to keep the whole law or is loving God and our fellow humans enough?
2. Is it easier to obey the law or to love God and our neighbors?